Luke Warm And Little Strength
Published: September 16, 2021What is difference between lukewarm and little strength?
The Feast Of Trumpets And The Second Coming
Published: September 16, 2021I have been told by a Christian Jew that the Feast of the Trumpets is the “The feast of the unknown day and hour”. And that will be the day of the Lord’s Second Coming and could be the day of the Rapture as well. He said this feast happens every seven years and is the only feast that is on the first day of the month. That in the Torah it says that two witnesses were sent out on the 29th day to watch when the first sign of the crescent moon would appear and the feast would begin.
He also said that Jesus was referring to this feast when He said we could not know the day and hour. That Jesus did not say we couldn’t know the time, just the day and hour. Exactly, what is the feast of the Trumpets? And could this relate to time of the rapture?
Make Them Defend Their View, Follow Up
Published: September 13, 2021I do have to say that even though I hold to the pre-mil, pre-trib rapture belief, I know there are very godly men and women who hold other beliefs based on careful study of scripture. Isn’t it a matter of preparedness rather than salvation? Should we let this divide the church?
Would They Have Eventually Sinned On Their Own?
Published: September 13, 2021During the millennium Satan will be removed, but man will still reject Christ. In your opinion would Adam and Eve or one of their offspring have eventually sinned even if Satan had been bound?
Will Angels Live In The New Jerusalem?
Published: September 13, 2021Your site is wonderful and so helpful with Bible study. Thank you! I know that believers will live in the New Jerusalem. Will angels live there too or do they live somewhere else?
Make Them Defend Their View
Published: September 10, 2021A friend of mine believes that many end times things happened in the 1st century AD and I’m trying to find precise information in the Bible (more than Mt 24, rebirth of Israel in 1948 etc) that we are in the end of the end times so I can say with corroborative evidence why I believe what I believe. Can you help?
What’s Causing The Delay?
Published: September 10, 2021What do you say to someone who questions if the delay for the completion of the 70th week is just a convenient way to explain away the fact that the world hasn’t ended yet and to make the bible match up more accurately to actual events. What in the bible supports that delay? I believe the Bible is factual but I’m not sure how to answer this question. Love your website. Thanks!
What’s Being Born?
Published: September 10, 2021Christ told us, in Matthew 24:8, “All these are the beginning of birth pains.” Many teachers use this to say that the things discussed, i.e. earthquakes, wars, etc, will increase in frequency and intensity as birth pains do. But none seem to touch on the idea that if these are birth pains, what is going to be born?
Can A Pastor Lose His Anointing?
Published: September 9, 2021My question is, does God change his mind? Can a pastor lose His anointing?
More on the Seven Churches Of Rev. 2-3
Published: September 9, 2021Thank you so much for your insight. I’m very happy to have your website. Does the church age end with the rapture of the church? If so, then the 7 churches in Rev 2-3 would not go into the 70th week of Daniel. How could Laodicea be the post rapture church if there is no church after the rapture?