Spreading The Gospel
Published: July 2, 2021It is my understanding that Jesus commissioned his Disciples to go into all the world and preach the gospel. Yet Peter only briefly spent time with some Gentiles then retreated to Jerusalem and hedged back to Old Covenant works based rituals. Paul, not an original disciple took up the commission, yet even he sometimes got off on works and when he returned to Jerusalem also agreed to participate in Old Covenant rituals. I’ve read one commentator who states it does not matter if Paul did this out of fear of the Jews or sympathy, in doing so, he was betraying his believe in the all sufficiency of Christ’s death and resurrection. As I read the New Testament with this in mind, it seems this was much bigger than I thought.
Infiltrating The Church?
Published: July 1, 2021Do you think the church of Laodicea is infiltrating the church of Philadelphia today?
When Is Satan Cast Down?
Published: July 1, 2021Re: Rev. 5. When scripture says Satan was cast down, with his angels from Heaven to earth because he wanted to be as God; when, how and why did God give Satan the earth as a gift for being so wonderful?
Saul And The Witch At Endor
Published: July 1, 2021You know the story. God had forsaken Saul, so he went to the witch at Endor, and she summoned Samuel for him…or did she? When you read the story in 1 Samuel 28:16-19, it happened just like the prophet said. Saul and his three sons joined Samuel in death. The Lord also delivered Israel and its army to the Philistines, (1 Sam. 31:1-70.) Can you explain all this?
Did a witch summon Samuel? If it was a devil that was impersonating Samuel, is there some way we can prove the devil’s predictions were not exactly right? after all, it says in 28:20, Saul was troubled by the words of Samuel, as if it really was Samuel he was talking to.
Why does Samuel appear as an old man? Shouldn’t he be a little more youthful looking in the spirit realm? And why is the story of David and the Amalekites placed between the story of the witch and Saul’s death?
More On Anointing With Oil
Published: June 29, 2021When you use anointing oil, can you anoint yourself and pray, and still be as effective as if someone else does it for you. I can understand where the “when two or more agree” might be in this issue, but can anointing be made personal, just between you and God?
Is Tithing For Christians?
Published: June 29, 2021As I was searching through a popular website I came across an article that addresses tithing. The author said that tithing pertained to the Jewish nation, not the New Covenant Church. He states a rather long list of supporting scripture, but I wanted your view on this.
A Time When You Think Not
Published: June 28, 2021Considering all the Signs that Jesus gave us regarding His return, what is your take on His comment when He said that He would come at such a time as you think not. I’ve have been challenged by this statement when I have been teaching on the Signs of the Times. Is the Lord addressing His remarks to believers or was it meant for a wider audience i.e. non-believers? I would be grateful for your opinion.
Was Balaam A False Prophet?
Published: June 28, 2021Was Balaam a false prophet … or a prophet going the route of rebellion?
Tarot Card Reading
Published: June 28, 2021A very good friend of mine has asked if I would wish to come along and have my tarot cards read with her. Now I have always felt a little uneasy with things like this as I do not want to “entertain the devil” as such or invite bad things to happen.
My friend and I have only recently re-kindled our friendship after we had a disagreement and didn’t speak for a number of years. It was my children’s christening that brought us back together. I expressed my feelings of unease to her, and she understood but gushed at how much she enjoyed having hers read a year ago and also told me that the reading had implied that we would become friends again. What do you think I should do?
Melchizedek And The Letter To The Hebrews
Published: June 25, 2021I am reading Hebrews and I saw the order of Melchizedek ending I think two verses, so I looked it up to understand what that is I am still a bit confused though could you kindly explain to me what exactly is the order of Melchizedek and why reference was made to it in Hebrews ?