Ask a Bible Teacher

When Does The 70th Week Begin?

Published: January 8, 2024

Does the “signing” of the covenant kick start the 70th week of Daniel or is it the day it goes into effect? Lets say, the Anti-Christ signs the treaty on October 13, but it doesn’t go into effect until December 31, which day actually starts the 70th week? Is it the day it is signed or the day it goes into effect?

Why Isn’t Matt. 24:36-42 About The Rapture?

Published: January 8, 2024

I thank the Lord for your ministry, keep up the good work in Him. I have always read the Olivet Discourse understanding it according to the three questions asked by the disciples to Jesus, taking it not chronologically but like as question followed by its answer. I believe all 3 questions and relative answers focus on Israel. The Church is not “really” in view there. However, when we come to Mathew 24:36-42, I believe we are talking about the rapture of the Church as a sign to Israel and if not to Israel as a whole, to the 144,000 Jews involved in evangelizing people during the Tribulation. Where am I going wrong?

Questions About Security

Published: January 5, 2024

1. Does it say anywhere in the Word that God will release me from my own foolishness as I have paid a very high price for it over and over again. 2. Is it true that He would not have healed me if He had not also forgiven me? 3. Lastly, if someone apostatized – not just backslid, are they still covered under grace?

Was Jesus Wealthy?

Published: January 5, 2024

I asked a friend at church what Joseph and Mary did with all the gold and precious spices the wise men gave to them when they came to worship the Lord. She told me that Jesus was not a poor man, that He wouldn’t have called up His disciples to leave their families poor and unfed, and that He wore the clothes of a rich man otherwise why else would the soldiers gamble for His clothing. This goes against everything I’ve known. I don’t think it’s a correct view. How could Jesus teach about forsaking money and possessions, yet be a rich man? That would have made Him a hypocrite, and that’s impossible.

Suffering For Christ’s Sake

Published: January 5, 2024

I have a friend who says God wants us to suffer for His name’s sake. The scriptures he uses to back up what God means by suffering are Philippians 1:29; 1 Peter 3:17 and 1 Peter 4:19. Can you explain the context of suffering that this gentleman is speaking of?

Misusing Malachi 3:8-10

Published: January 4, 2024

On more than one occasion, by more than one spirit filled minister, I have heard the teaching that if we as Christians don’t give 10% of what we get to the Church then we are ‘stealing from God’. The only scripture they offer to support that statement is in Mal.3 where the priests were actually stealing the tithes to use for themselves. I have totally rejected this teaching with my comment; “You’re saying then that Jesus’ sacrifice is not enough, and we must buy our way into Heaven?”

Have I Lost It All?

Published: January 4, 2024

I spent years in an on again off again relationship with a man who promised to become a believer and marry me but never did. I finally had to move to another state to be free of him. I’m now settled into a great church family, but I feel like I’m no longer as close to God as I used to be. I wonder if I’ve blown my chance to find a God fearing man, and am afraid I may have even lost my place in heaven. Please help me understand and pray for me as well.

Why Don’t I Have What They Have?

Published: January 4, 2024

I see with my own eyes that there are many sinners who are so blessed (stable career, strong financial status, a happy family with a beautiful partner, vibrant health, etc.) and I start to wonder since I am His child, why am I not enjoying all the blessings these sinners have? I also know of believers who are very successful in life and have the same blessings. Then the question is, why do God’s children seem to have different levels of blessing? Does God show favoritism among His children? Then it came into my mind that if I cannot even trust Him to bless me with all these things I see others enjoying, am I being naive to trust Him with my salvation?

Dealing With Religious People

Published: January 3, 2024

How do you deal with religious people that constantly push self righteousness? With one breath they say Jesus is their Savior, and the next breath, they say this person or that person is going to hell because they do this or that. I know Jesus had to deal with this, with the Scribes and Pharisees, but how do we deal with it today? How do we walk in Love and not offend this person who seems to put all their faith in filthy rags, and insists on dressing others in the same clothing?

I am aware of the story, Jesus told of the two men standing and praying…..but what do you say to the one that is proclaiming their own righteousness? Sadly, I find anger rising up in my own heart concerning it, and then I feel guilty, because I fall into judging another. I used to be extremely religious and it made me quite smug… but by the Grace of God, he led me to Pauls teachings which pulled the rug out from under my feet. It was much easier to have faith in myself by keeping all the man made rules, than to be honest with my wretched self and trust Christ to save me. You would suppose that because I too was like this once, I would know how to deal with it, but I don’t. Can you help?

The Feasts Of Israel And End Times Events

Published: January 3, 2024

Have you considered overlaying the Feasts of the LORD to the end time events? I am not a specialist in this subject but I have found though my studying the Bride of Messiah, that the Feasts of the LORD (which are His appointed times) perfectly overlay the events of the end time and the gathering of His Bride! Just a thought.