Ask a Bible Teacher

The Perfect Healing

Published: October 1, 2016

Has anyone you have ever prayed for has died of a disease? If so do you place the fact that they died on your own lack of faith in the power of God? Do you feel a burden from that? I ask you this because this past week my 5 month old nephew was in a coma and died, and I was under the impression that if I prayed with enough faith and didn’t doubt, then God would heal him. I feel an incredible burden that he passed away due to my lack of faith in prayer. What can I do?

A Cause For Rejoicing

Published: October 1, 2016

I have always wondered why there isn’t a bigger to do about someone who repents and asks Jesus to be their Lord and save them from their sins. Most churches I’ve seen that have an altar call do not have much of a celebration for the new brothers and sisters to welcome them into their Christian family. Is there a reason for this?

Questions About The Anti-Christ

Published: October 1, 2016

Thanks for this wonderful forum to ask Biblical questions. I really appreciate it.

My question concerns the anti-Christ. I heard of one preacher saying he has to be Jewish or the Jewish people would never follow him as their Messiah at the end times. I heard of another preacher saying he will come from Europe with a mention of “the city of the seven hills,” possibly Rome, or at least the reference being to the emerging European Union. What are your thoughts?

Literal Babylon?

Published: October 1, 2016

In your article, The Return Of The Medes, you said; ‘Jeremiah’s two cryptograms can be found in Jere. 51:4 where Leb Kamai is code for Chaldea and in Jere. 51:41 where Sheshach is code for Babylon. I believe he did this to make it unmistakably clear that he was referring to an end times version of Biblical Babylon.’

How does using cryptograms make it clear that Jeremiah was referring to an end times version of Biblical Babylon?

Preaching To The Spirits In Prison

Published: October 1, 2016

I was wondering if you could offer your analysis of 1 Peter 3:19. I would imagine you would have to take all the verses before and after it in that chapter to keep it in context, but specifically that verse. I have heard said that he was preaching the gospel to the spirits of the dead, which would mean one can be saved after death. Obviously the Bible contradicts this, so what would it mean?


Millennial Sacrifices

Published: October 1, 2016

I’ve been studying about the idea of sacrifices in the millennium and I find that there is an apparent problem. As I read Hebrews 10:1-18 it is essentially saying that Christ died once and for all for our sins and that sin offerings are not what the Lord wants anymore.

You say that the Ezekiel sacrifices are only a memorial and not for sins since Jesus died on the cross for our sins. Here is my problem however, in the book of Ezekiel no where does it say this is done as a memorial. He says these are specifically “sin offerings” and once they become “sin offerings” they cannot come after the cross because this is completely against the teaching of Hebrews which show that sin offerings are no longer required by the Lord because Christ died for sins once and for all. Perhaps I am misunderstanding something and I was wondering what you think?

The Coming Muslim Leader

Published: October 1, 2016

Re your thought that “the coming Moslem leader al Mahdi could be the AC”–I thought he was dead. Do you think through Satan’s power he will be resurrected and become the AC?

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Published: October 1, 2016

Interested in your thoughts on Dietrich Bonhoeffer. As a Lutheran pastor Bonhoeffer was apparently guilty of conspiring with a group of Germans to murder Hitler. While we should oppose evil, are we ever justified in taking life in this manner? I know of no acts in the New Testament of early Christians conspiring to murder or even over throw governments or rulers, however detestable.

Islam And The False Prophet Of Rev. 13

Published: October 1, 2016

I appreciate your site so much. I have a question that I have not seen addressed as of yet on your site or anywhere else I’ve looked. It is concerning the Muslim Mahdi and his “commander” who they say will be “Jesus”. Therefore, when this Mahdi of theirs arrives (whom I believe will be the Antichrist), it would seem that his commander “Jesus” would be the False Prophet. Do you feel this is a valid assessment?

Who Else Is Missing?

Published: October 1, 2016

Hello, I want to say thank you for GTF. After surviving a severe stroke, in a very devastated condition, with my assurance of faith under constant attack, your articles have been a much-needed source of strength helping to restore my faith.

I was intrigued to note that America does not appear in the Biblical End times prophecies, and it is indeed ominous for us all.

It made me ask which other presently world-significant nations e.g. France, Germany, the UK., etc. are also absent from the Biblical scenario, I’d value any comment you have the time to give about this.