Does Failure To Forgive Bring Loss Of Salvation?
Published: February 8, 2015I just heard a prominent TV preacher say that if we do not forgive others, God cannot forgive our souls. So, I submit that millions of people who believed that Jesus Christ died for their sins, have died resenting the actions of another person and hold that person in a condition of unforgiveness. So according to this TV preacher, there souls are not forgiven and eternally separated from God’s presence. What say you, Jack?
Could The Church Have Done A Better Job?
Published: February 8, 2015Recently I have come across articles that blame the church for all the evils in the world. These people claim that the world wouldn’t be in the state it’s in if more Christians had entered politics, teaching positions, and other positions of authority, as well as failure to witness. Some of these articles come from Christians. What do you think?
Won’t God Be Obvious?
Published: February 8, 2015You mentioned that the New Jerusalem will become the source of light for the earth. Wouldn’t the people on earth during the Millennium realize that it has replaced the sun and moon? How could there be any doubt about God among the nations if it is a visible light for them to see?
Who Are The Armies Of Heaven?
Published: February 8, 2015Re: The Lords Appearance in Power and Glory, I am confused as I have always been taught and believed that it was the church who came back with Christ in Rev 19:14. You stated that the armies of Heaven, called Holy ones would be with Him and the Church, as the bride, would be in the New Jerusalem at this time and would arrive later. The ones who accompany Christ is described in Rev 19:14 as being dressed in fine linen, white and clean. Earlier in verses 7 and 8 the bride is described as wearing fine linen, bright and clean (NIV). Can you clarify this for me?
The Resurrection Of Believers
Published: February 7, 2015The Old Testament saints were set free from Abraham’s bosom and then went up to paradise when Jesus went to the center of the earth for 3 days. However, they will not get their bodies until after the Great Tribulation ends. So the Church saints (and angels) will ride back with Jesus at the 2nd Coming but the O.T. souls have to wait until the battle is over. Right? If yes, do they have to wait to get their spiritual bodies because they are connected to the 70th week by being Jewish?
Head Start On Eternity
Published: February 7, 2015Am I correct in assuming that we as the Church will get to start eternity approx 1007 years before everyone else? And if that is the case, I wonder if people on Earth will see us come and go in split seconds and just appear next to them out of nowhere, at the speed of thought like Jesus did. Or do we have to wait til the end of the Millennium like everyone else? Will we in our new bodies get to visit Earth while the others still have their mortal bodies? I also wonder if we will be able to visit all of creation, the planets, etc during that time, or have to wait til the 1000 years are over for the real Eternity to start. What are your thoughts…
A Post Rapture Remnant?
Published: February 7, 2015A friend recommended your website and I’m really glad they did. I was impressed with what I’ve read so far. I wanted to get your opinion on something I’ve come to understand in the last few years. I’ve believed in the Rapture for some time now, but always had the feeling that I would not be Raptured, even though I’m a believer. I did not know what to make of this but some time after that I read Romans 9, especially focusing on verses 23-31, and came to the conclusion that I would be part of the remnant. What have you come to understand about the remnant through your reading and study of Scripture?
The Salvation Event
Published: February 7, 2015John 1:12-13 says believers receive “the power to become the children of God.” The wording of that sentence has always made me wonder whether we become children of God the instant we believe, or whether some additional, future act of Grace is needed for us to become “children of God” sometime later. Is it a matter of translation or the style of writing, or is there a real difference in meaning, two different stages in the salvation “process”?
More On Faith Plus Works
Published: February 7, 2015My question is from James 2:14-18 where it says you must have works with faith to be saved. This contradicts some of the other teachings that we acknowledge Jesus as our savior and believe that he died for our sins. And didn’t Jesus say belief in Him is the only thing God requires of us?
Who Should We Pray To? Follow Up
Published: February 6, 2015Re: Who Should We Pray To? You responded with “We can pray in the Spirit and in His power”. Please explain “pray in the Spirit”. My local church preaches that this is tongues but reading the verses they use in context doesn’t make sense. When I throw out those verses used out of context I am left with Ephesians 6:18 and Jude 20. Both mention “praying in the spirit” but do not instruct on what it is. I do not understand how they can build a doctrine on this when there is so little instruction. Surely if tongues is important as it is preached the Holy Spirit would have put instruction on it in the word. I can hardly turn a page without being told how to walk in love, live by faith but not much on “praying in the spirit” Am I missing something here?