The Holy Spirit
Published: November 28, 2014How come the Holy Spirit is not worshiped in the Book of Revelation? He has no throne in heaven like the Son and the Father? I believe He is deity, the third person in the trinity, with all personal qualities mentioned in the bible, but the fact that He has no throne in heaven comes as a challenge to me. What are your thoughts?
Was Jesus A Nazarite?
Published: November 28, 2014I’ve never seen anyone address this question: I know that Jesus was a Nazarene, but because He was specially sanctified for the task He came to perform, was He a Nazarite as well?
Where Will The Tribulation Martyrs Live?
Published: November 28, 2014If during the millennium the Church dwells in the heavenly Jerusalem, and tribulation survivors live in natural bodies on the restored earth, where do the martyred tribulation saints belong? Will their resurrected bodies be like those of the Church? Do they belong with Israel, or with the Church or some other group? In other words. how will they fit into the millennium, what is their purpose in God’s plan?
Distinguishing The Holy From The Common
Published: November 28, 2014I would like to get your comment on 1 Samuel 6:19-20, why did the Lord smite all those people for looking into the Ark? And what lesson can we garner from these verses, like is there a type of grace or the forthcoming of grace (I hope I am making sense)?
Renewing Our Mind
Published: November 27, 2014How does a Christian consecrate himself totally to the Lord. I am studying Roman’s 12, presenting ourselves as a living sacrifice, and it seems to be almost impossible to totally be committed to him with all the things that draw you from doing that very thing.
No Forgiveness Without Repentance
Published: November 27, 2014I was reading of your answer to the woman whose husband left her for a very young girl. You said that if he is a believer, all his sins are forgiven him because of what Christ accomplished on the cross.
Technically, you are right. But I had hoped you would add that repentance is the key to forgiveness. If this man isn’t repentant, I do not believe he is forgiven. If all one has to do to be forgiven is to be a believer, then one can sin as much as one wants to, apparently.
For the record, I do not believe that deliberate sin that has no repentance behind it is forgiven. We must ask for forgiveness. Can you please clarify your answer in more detail? Do you agree with me, or am I wrong? If I’m wrong, would you please quote some scripture to show that repentance is not needed in a believer’s case when sin is committed? Thank you.
Where Are The Real 10 Commandments?
Published: November 27, 2014I was talking with an atheist about morality and about God’s holy nature, and the Ten Commandments came up, and she asked me “What is the tenth commandment?” I responded “Do not covet”. She immediately said that I was wrong and said the actual Ten Commandments are in Exodus 34: 1-28. I looked it over and indeed in verse 28 it calls these orders, the Ten Commandments. I was not able to really continue the conversation because first I wanted to read over what she had referred to. Which ones are the actual Ten Commandments?
In Faith Vs. In Fact
Published: November 27, 2014Romans 6:6 says that we died with Christ, and he who has died has been freed from sin. I take that to mean that Christians can’t sin, after all we are dead and dead men can’t sin. The body of sin is done away with since we were crucified with Him. But 1 John 2:1 says, “…these things I write to you that you may not sin.” Is John saying that those that sin are not Christians?
Resurrection Or Resuscitation?
Published: November 27, 2014You said, “As far as we know all resurrection bodies are alike.” Wasn’t Lazarus resurrected to a natural body? And what about the saints that were resurrected and seen in the Holy City when Jesus was resurrected, were they resurrected to a glorified body as the Church will be, and if so, where are they now, or where will they be in the millennium?
A Full Number Of Jews?
Published: November 27, 2014When the condition for the rapture to begin is met- the full number of Gentiles have come in. What about the Jews that are saved in this Church age? Why are they not mentioned, too? Isn’t there a full number of them, too?