Ask a Bible Teacher

Will New Jerusalem Ever Descend To Earth?

Published: November 26, 2014

After the millennium, there will be a new earth. Will the Heavenly Jerusalem then come down and settle on earth, or will it always hover over earth?

Are We In The Tribulation?

Published: November 26, 2014

I think we may have already entered the 7 year peace tribulation. I have been reading articles on a website that demonstrate some astounding evidence that Israel may have already signed the 7 year peace treaty, and therefore we are already in the 7 yr tribulation. There are also some great videos on You Tube that make the same point. Sounds far-fetched but there is some huge evidence there. I would really appreciate your views. If it is true its really important that Christians are made aware as we don’t have much time. Would you please review this evidence and tell me why it couldn’t possibly be true?

The Timing Of The Lord’s Birth

Published: November 25, 2014

A few months ago, a Muslim writer said the Bible should not be taken literally and that it is filled with errors. Here is his direct quote. “I’ll put it in the simplest way possible: the gospels are absolutely replete with historical errors and with contradictions. The gospel of Matthew says that Jesus was born in 4 B.C. The gospel of Luke says Jesus was born in 6

All That In 7 Years?

Published: November 25, 2014

A search into the average length of the longest lasting empires such as the Roman, Persian or Babylonian empires ranges from a few hundred years to over a thousand years. How is it the greatest, most evil and last empire will begin, conquer the whole world and be destroyed only seven years later? Granted Satan will not be restrained, but even so, can all this happen within seven years?

Gathering The Elect

Published: November 24, 2014

Re: Matthew 24:30-31 Jesus is coming in the clouds, all see him and then the angels gather the elect from the four winds. Are these the saved Jews from the nations? And are they being all summoned to Jerusalem?

One Messiah Or Two?

Published: November 24, 2014

I wanted to get into the Jewish eschatological mind a bit and bought a book on the subject. In the section about Gog and Magog, it mentions TWO Messiahs, Maschiach Ben Yosef (Joseph) and Maschiach Ben Dovid (David). It also mentions that evil will cancel out evil in the war of Gog and Magog, and a period of peace is expected after. If this is their expectation, could this be the mechanism by which Israel is deceived by the Antichrist?

I Am Not A Wacko

Published: November 24, 2014

I am convinced that we are living in the Last Days and that prophecy is being fulfilled right before our eyes. But when I talk to my husband about it he says I am a “wacko”. He was very instrumental in helping me to be saved in the first place. But now (after 33 years of marriage) I feel like have reached a higher level of spiritual insight, thanks to sites like yours.

I know the Bible says in the last times there will be scoffers, but what do I do if I am married to one? I pray that his eyes will be opened, but it is difficult to live day to day with him and his refusal to see thee things. He spends most of his time reading magazines about money and investments. Shouldn’t he be spending at least part of that time reading and learning about his eternal inheritance?

Are Time And Eternity Different?

Published: November 23, 2014

I read in one of the questions that you answered that there will be no time in eternity. I always believed that, too, but have read in a few Bible versions and books that Rev. 10:6 means “no more delay” rather than “time no more”. What do you think about the interpretation of it as “no more delay”? Are time and eternity different?

Are We Worshiping An Idol?

Published: November 23, 2014

Do you believe that there are such things that God does not want us to have in our homes? and is there anything in the bible on this? The reason i ask is my husband loves lego and i know he would really like the lego model of the Taj Mahal, however because it is a Muslim temple we are not sure whether this is something that we should have in our home?

Confused About Dates

Published: November 23, 2014

In doing a study on the 70 weeks of Daniel I’m confused with some of the dates. From your past studies I’ve learned that the 70 year servitude of the nation began in 605 BC when Nebuchadnezzar attacked Jerusalem after defeating Egypt and Assyria at the Battle of Carchemish. Then in 535 BC the Persians freed the Jews who began returning to Israel and rebuilt the altar. But the decree by the Persian king Artaxerxes to allow the Jews to return and rebuild the city of Jerusalem wasn’t until March, 445 BC My question is what happened between 535 and 444 BC? Were the Jewish people returning to Jerusalem during this time even though the decree had not been given yet?