Ask a Bible Teacher

Why Did Paul Go To Jerusalem? Follow Up

Published: October 8, 2014

Re: Why Did Paul Go To Jerusalem? This leads me to ask, then, did Paul die an “untimely” death? . . . and do people (particularly believers) sometimes die “untimely” deaths?

7 Years Left Or 3 1/2?

Published: October 8, 2014

The Jews have yet to complete the 70th week of Daniel to reconcile themselves with God. We know that it will be done by recognizing Jesus as their savior. His ministry lasted for 3 1/2 years. Why isn’t that counted towards the 7 years of the 70th week leaving 3/1/2 years for the Great Tribulation?

Did Ezekiel Know Daniel?

Published: October 8, 2014

I’ve come across a verse I hadn’t either considered before, or just hadn’t thought about. “Behold, you are wiser than Daniel! There is no secret that can be hidden from you! (Ez. 28:3).I know the Lord was sending a message to the ruler of Tyre through Ezekiel, but my question is, how did Ezekiel know about Daniel, and how did the ruler of Tyre seemingly have all this knowledge?

ISIS, Islam, And The End Times

Published: October 8, 2014

I’ve been reading more and more about ISIS expansion and recruitment in the world, the latest is in Tunisia and now Cyprus is concerned. Could it be that ISIS is the vehicle used by the Anti-Christ to come to power, meaning that Islam will be the ruling power in the world at the return of Jesus? Also, does the Bible mention beheading as a form of punishment for Christians in the end times, which would also support the belief that Islam will be the ruling power?

Why Did Paul Go To Jerusalem?

Published: October 7, 2014

My questions concern Paul’s last visit to Ephesus where he was warned, more than once by people prophesying, prompted by the Spirit, that Paul should not go there, but he did so and ignored their warnings. Then, once he got there, he appeared to submit to the Judaizers in order to appease them and show that he was an Observant Jew, and did uphold following Law. Amazing, since he earlier taught so vehemently against the Law and he himself coined the word Judaizer.Why, in your opinion, did he do this?

Opposed To The Point Of Anger

Published: October 6, 2014

Why is a large segment of the Christian community so vehemently opposed to the idea of the Rapture? No matter how many times the Scriptures that support a Pre-Trib Rapture are pointed out to them, they deny that’s what they are saying and sayt the Rapture is a relatively new concept. It seems amazing to me that so many feel that Christians will have to suffer God’s Wrath in order to be saved. It is very frustrating to have any type of meaningful discussion on the subject as they are so entrenched in their belief, to the point of anger and attack.

Survivor’s Guilt?

Published: October 6, 2014

My son-in-law has spent 17 years in the service, and been out of country for 8 of those. He loves the Lord and he is born again, he can’t seem to accept the fact that God has forgiven him for the “killings” he did or the fact that he was in charge of other men and couldn’t bring them home safe. I know that the blood of Jesus is bigger than any sin, how do I get him to believe it?

If You Forgive Them, They Are Forgiven

Published: October 6, 2014

How should we interpret John 20:23? Since salvation depends on remission of all sins, it looks as though Jesus is empowering the disciples to either grant or withhold salvation. I know that this can’t be the case, as it contradicts other scripture. What is really being said here?

Life After The Rapture

Published: October 6, 2014

Is our character fixed after we are raptured and given our glorious body? Will we continue to grow in spirit once we are in heaven? Also, in Rev 6:9-11, the souls under God’s altar in heaven was crying out to the Lord asking Him how long will it be before He avenge their blood on the earth dwellers. Does this mean that we will also be able to pray for others on earth after we depart from this world or are raptured?


Published: October 5, 2014

From looking at men’s ages and the time of the flood, assuming I did my math right, it shows that the oldest man, Methuselah died the year of the flood. Was he also one of the sinners on earth that was killed by the flood or did he die beforehand, or can one know…and I know it probably doesn’t even matter.