Ask a Bible Teacher

What Is Purgatory?

Published: October 5, 2014

I thank the Lord for you, your staff and for this website.

In regards to your articles on Jesus preaching to the spirits in prison, is this the same place what the Roman Catholics believe as PURGATORY? If not, where did they get the concept from?

Israel In The Resurrection

Published: October 5, 2014

I was wondering where in the Bible you came to the conclusion of this statement you made on your article “Flesh And Blood And The Kingdom Of God” “Old Testament Jews who are resurrected at the end of the Great Tribulation will live with Jewish believers who survive the Great Tribulation in Israel.” I had never heard this before in all the Bible teaching or reading I have had.

Debating The Origin Of Death

Published: October 5, 2014

I was watching a debate between a believer and an unbeliever about the young earth and old earth scenarios. At one stage they were debating whether plants died before Adam sinned. The unbeliever argued that the Bible is wrong in saying that death only came into the world after Adam sinned. His argument was that when Adam and Eve ate the plants, it killed them. Can you define a plant as being alive in the first place and would the dying of a plant (if it happened before Adam sinned) be seen as death?

What Can A Pastor Say?

Published: October 4, 2014

My son’s friend has had to face the sad reality of death recently, through his mother’s miscarriage and also, yesterday, with the death of his grandmother. I do feel very sad for him and I wish I could say something comforting to him, to help him with his bereavement period. It would not be difficult to tell him that, though his sister/brother was miscarried, he/she is in Heaven. But as far as his grandmother is concerned, if my son’s friend was to tell me he didn’t think she was a Christian, what could I say to him? In other words, what do born-again pastors say at the funeral service, when they don’t know if the person who just died was a Christian?

Judgment For Believers?

Published: October 4, 2014

I am seeing more and more that when we go to salvation judgment seat, God/Jesus may punish us for not doing good work here on earth. Is that true? I thought we should have faith and be saved, but is there another judgment?

Satan Against Himself

Published: October 3, 2014

A prophecy website that just bashed someone for talking about an Islamic antichrist, by asking how it is possible when Armageddon has the “kings of the east” marching on the middle east by asking, “what are they going to do march on themselves?” Is this writer of eschatology looking at it correctly regarding the Armageddon question; he is a long-time opponent to anyone who thinks the antichrist can be Islamic.

I Lose Either Way

Published: October 3, 2014

The business I work at is for sale and the owner has gotten an offer. The possible buyer is coming to look the place over and I will be answering their questions. The problem is that I have been asked to keep quiet about several problems at the business. Problems that will be very expensive to correct in the future. I’ve been told not to volunteer anything and if asked directly, I’m to give out as little information as possible. Basically, I’m being asked to be less than truthful. I’m a Christian, I don’t want to lie and I don’t feel it’s fair to the potential buyer.

I feel trapped between what the current owner expects me to do and what I believe to be the right thing to do. The owner of the business is not a Christian and sees nothing wrong with asking this of me. So if I am truthful with the buyer and the deal falls through I will get the blame and maybe lose my job. And if the business is sold, I may lose my job anyway. Can you point me to scripture that can help me with this situation?

Reasons For The Rapture

Published: October 3, 2014

I am trying to get a sound grip on a pre-trib rapture. Perhaps it would be easier to accept this as the next event in the Church age if it was explained in this manner.

The main purpose of the Rapture is not to provide an escape from coming events on earth but as God’s s way of restarting the prophetic clock to bring about the necessary completion of Daniel’s 70th week, Since the Church came into existence at Pentecost, there has been a 2000 year interlude between the end of the 69th week of Daniel and the final 70th week. That 70th week is necessary for Israel to come to salvation, and the Kingdom of God with Christ ruling in Jerusalem to be established. The Church age has to end before the final matter with Israel is completed. Is there a hint of truth in any of this?

Judging Israel

Published: October 2, 2014

Are the Jews going to be judged (or rewarded) differently than the Gentiles in the “latter days”. I realize there are different judgements at different times, such as rewards for believers, at the Rapture, the sheep/goat judgment of the nations after the tribulation, and the Great White Throne Judgment after the Millennium for nonbelievers? But what about the Jews?

A Second Chance At Repentance?

Published: October 2, 2014

In a book I read recently, the author makes a case that there is a second chance for repentance by resurrected non-believers at the end of the millennium, especially for those who had not heard the gospel message during their first earthly lives. What is your take on this?