Ask a Bible Teacher

What About Post Church Believers?

Published: July 26, 2014

Jesus was the first of many brethren, and the brethren are we who will be raptured, from what I understand. We are/will be members of the royal family and will be kings and priests. But what about those who believe after we are raptured? If I understand it correctly, they will not be kings (although they might be like governors) and they will serve in God’s temple. Are they also the brothers and sisters of King Jesus, even though they are not royalty?

What’s The Point Of This Parable?

Published: July 25, 2014

I have always wondered what is the point of this parable in Luke 5:36-39. Would you please explain?

Was I Technically Not Baptized?

Published: July 25, 2014

I was recently baptized along with my wife and we had the event videoed. I’m a quadriplegic and only have use of my shoulders and biceps, so we had 3 people carry me into the pool. Once I was in, my pastor had me under my armpits, but when he went to submerge me, the top of my head didn’t go all the way under the water. I’m sure he was a bit nervous and didn’t want me to accidentally choke, but shouldn’t I have been fully submerged? I know I’m saved, but was I technically not baptized?

Are My Feelings Sinful If I Don’t Act On Them?

Published: July 25, 2014

I want to ask about feelings. If any person feels like he loves someone from the same sex, and this love is bringing him happiness, and this person still is a believer, still prays and participates at the Mass, is that wrong if these feelings are spiritual and don’t become physical? So, the Church has a problem with it if it’s only feelings?

Finding God Again

Published: July 24, 2014

I totally agree with you that salvation is a gift and there is nothing anyone can do to earn it. Is it possible for someone to accept the gift and years later change their mind and say they do not want it? I accepted Christ in my early 20’s. (I’m now in my early 60’s.) The only reason I can remember for doing so was because I was afraid of going to hell. There are so many things I do in accordance with God’s teaching that are either out of habit or because I feel I should. At times I believe the best I can hope for is a lesser degree of hell.

Satan In The Wilderness

Published: July 24, 2014

Can you tell me why Satan was not fearful to approach Jesus so boldly and tempt Him in the wilderness? Does Satan still have access to God?

Questions About The Temple

Published: July 24, 2014

I have two questions pertaining to the Temple in Revelation 11:1&2: In verse one, who are the worshipers in the Temple of God? Could they be Jews who have come to faith in Yeshua and are worshiping Him in spirit and truth or are they Jews who still deny His deity and work of Salvation? Also, if the temple in Revelation 11:2 is located in Shiloh, why does the “court which is without the temple” have to be given to the Gentiles? The second part of the verse still seems to infer that the very same court is inside the “holy city” which is given to the Gentiles which “they tread under foot forty and two months”. Thank you for any insights on these questions.

The Chronology Of End Times Events.

Published: July 24, 2014

I have recently discovered your web site and thank you for it. Your answers to readers questions are most helpful. Is there somewhere where we can see a list in chronological order for things to come according to God’s plan?

Supporting The Jewish People

Published: July 23, 2014

How can a Christian support the Jewish people as the Bible says; Genesis 12:3 , Romans 15:27 as well as other Bible references. I have had conversations with other Christians and there is many varying answers and opinions that are not clarifying the question. I know what Gods word says but I really don’t know how to apply my actions to His Word.

Obadiah And Gaza

Published: July 23, 2014

I wonder if the current situation in Israel and the Gaza Strip is the beginning of Obadiah’s prophetic book? Could this escalate to be the Obadiah prophecy?