Is It All Or Nothing?
Published: July 2, 2014Is salvation dependent on believing that the Bible is completely true? For example, is it important that I believe that Jonah was actually swallowed by a whale and spit back out? Or that Moses actually parted the Red Sea?
Will We See Satan’s Defeat?
Published: July 2, 2014Will we know when Satan and his angels are thrown out of heaven? The Bible says there will be war in heaven, will we hear or see this event happen?
Spiritual Bodies?
Published: July 1, 2014In the realm of existence after death, do believers and non-believers ever experience a reality as a disembodied spirit? The rich man, who died, was now in torment and had lips that he wished Lazarus, who died, would touch with a drop of water using his fingers. So it seems as though both had some form of a body.
Praying To The Holy Spirit?
Published: July 1, 2014Can we pray directly to the Holy Spirit? I know that He intercedes for us, as he will “groan” on our behalf for the Lord’s will in our life, but can we pray to Him? Also, when we pray to God the Father, we are to pray “In the name of Jesus”. Correct?
Why Do The Dead In Christ Go First?
Published: July 1, 2014We are told that the rapture will occur in the twinkling of an eye. We are also told that the dead in Christ will rise first. Now, the twinkling of an eye is not very long. What would be the purpose of those who died in Christ to be raised a fraction of a second faster than others? God gave man a last chance to change their hearts before the flood. The door of the ark was left open for a few days before it was shut by God. Just think of a short time period between the two raptured groups. It would give the living christians an incredibly powerful and bold chance to maybe witness to close relatives.
Red Heifer. Follow Up
Published: July 1, 2014Is the red heifer’s ashes required to also cleanse the workers who will build the Temple? Meaning, will we have to wait the 2 1/2 years for not only worship services to begin but the actual construction of the Temple to begin as well? If so, that means we must wait another 2 1/2 years for the heifer to reach adulthood, plus the time it will take to build the Temple (appx 1 year?), plus another 3 1/2 years for the anti Christ to defile it, plus another 3 1/2 years for the Lord’s return. That means if this is indeed the pure red heifer that will be used, and if the construction workers must wait 2 1/2 years to be purified by it before beginning construction, that puts the Lord’s second coming at least 10 1/2 years away. Correct?
Last Call. Follow Up
Published: July 1, 2014In your Bible Study “Last Call”, you said “People are being visited in dreams, healed in prayer services, and even raised from the dead as evidence of the power of God in areas where Christianity hasn’t become as “mature” as it has elsewhere.” Where, exactly, have people been raised from the dead today? It seems that if that were true it would be front page news all around the world.
Except Those Days Be Shortened
Published: June 30, 2014RE: Matt. 24:22 “Except those days be shortened”. Is it possible that the length of the days may be shortened, for instance 16 hours instead of 24 hours? Thank you for the time and effort you spend on this wonderful site.
Does Suicide Cancel Salvation?
Published: June 30, 2014I have heard it stated by people, especially those who are saved, that if a born again Christian takes their own life, they will still go to hell. One of my friends had a best friend who truly was saved, but hung himself. My friend, who is also a true believer, thinks his friend went to hell, even though this person was a born again Christian. The Bible is pretty quiet on this one, so I was wondering what the answer is. Does that person go to hell or do they get into heaven by the skin of their teeth?
The 2nd Coming, Flesh Or Spirit?
Published: June 29, 2014I am wondering about the 2nd coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and am not sure whether He returns in the flesh, or in the spirit. If He returns in the flesh we will see Him, but if He returns in the Spirit we will not, please help me understand this.