Ask a Bible Teacher

Counterfeit Resurrection

Published: June 1, 2014

My husband was watching an end-times TV show where the commentator said the anti-Christ will be killed and then resurrect himself during the Tribulation. The idea will be he can show himself to have great power and win the masses to his side. I have never heard of the anti-Christ dying during the Tribulation, have you? Is this Biblical?

Why Doesn’t He Change?

Published: May 31, 2014

All Satan really has to do to “win” against God is to make something God said was going to happen, NOT happen. God proves He is God by giving us prophecy, history written in advance. All Satan would have to do to prove the God of the Bible false is to mess up a prophecy, right? For instance, Satan could choose NOT to have the Anti-Christ stand in the Holy of Holies and declare himself to be God in the middle of the Daniel’s 70th week. This is making a prophecy fail. It seems simple to me, why doesn’t Satan just change his plan?

According To What Scriptures?

Published: May 30, 2014

In the passage of 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 it says ‘according to the Scriptures’. What Scriptures was Paul referring to when he said Christ died and rose again? It had to be from the O.T. he was talking about, right? From Isaiah or Psalms? I’ve never been able to figure out what he meant by writing that. I had always thought it was by direct revelation that Paul knew Christ died and rose from the dead.

Receiving The Holy Spirit

Published: May 29, 2014

With Phillip preaching the word and crowds hearing and seeing miracles that he did, why do you think that Phillip did not pray for them to receive the Holy Spirit. And that the original disciples Peter and John were sent? Were the original disciples, now apostles, the only ones to pray for this. And at what point was there a transition from them to others. And are there qualifications for this, like pastors, elders, evangelists, prophets?

A False Teacher?

Published: May 29, 2014

Regarding the recent fall of a well known pastor, why is there so much silence in the Christian community? It seems that we’re ok covering for a pastor or leader who has been so deceptive, who in one breath preaches the Gospel and the next willfully sins and covers it up. Was he a false teacher all along?

Righteous And Holy

Published: May 28, 2014

It seems to me that there is confusion among Christians as to what righteousness and holiness are. Most Christians associate it with being sinless – if such were possible (hence, the emphasis on works to try to gain/regain it) – but I see righteousness and holiness as God’s divine attributes that can on only be bestowed upon believers by faith in Him. Am I correct in believing this?

Is Daniel’s 70th Week About To Start?

Published: May 28, 2014

What are you making of the Pontiff’s visit to Israel? Is it pointing to Dan 9:27?

“He will confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the middle of the week he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him”

If a 7 year peace agreement is signed at the Vatican next month has the prophetic clock gone into overdrive ie is it the start of the tribulation?

Resurrection Of Old Testament Believers

Published: May 28, 2014

I was reading a post “Who Goes Where And When” and you gave the reference (Daniel 12:1-2, Rev. 20:4) to show that the Old Testament saints would be resurrected at the 2nd coming. It has been my understanding that all people before Christ will sleep through the thousand years and I did not see anything indicating differently. What am I missing?

How Was He Tempted?

Published: May 28, 2014

I have been wondering how Jesus was tempted in all areas as we are tempted today. Hebrews 4 : 15. There is no record of Him being tempted with lust for woman, to murder, to take a bribe or cheat in a business deal. Please can you help me understand how He was tempted in His time with the world being so different back then?

Intellectual Assent

Published: May 26, 2014

I’ve had people telling me that intellectual assent is when people agree that Christ paid the penalty for our sin but they don’t believe they’re sinners and need to be saved. Is this the right definition?