Ask a Bible Teacher

Old Testament Believers

Published: April 28, 2014

What happened to the people who came out of the grave when Jesus died? Some say it was a mistake in the bible. I believe that is wrong when you start going down that road. Also when will the OT Saints be resurrected?

Wrath Of God Vs. Wrath Of the Lamb

Published: April 28, 2014

As a follow-up to the latest “Mid-Trib Rapture” Question: Do you believe that there is a distinction between “God’s Wrath” and the “Wrath of the Lamb”?

John 17 And The Rapture

Published: April 27, 2014

In John 17:15, Jesus is praying to God “not that you take them [his disciples] out of the world” and in verse 20, He prayed “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message. ” I’ve seen these two verses combined to refute the rapture. What is your take on the context of these two verses?

Did Jesus Have A Sin Nature?

Published: April 27, 2014

Re: Romans 7:18-20. You said, “Paul sinned because he was a sinner. It was his nature to sin, and it’s ours too.” You have also said, “God knows that no matter how hard we try, we’ll fail to meet His righteous standard because we’re flawed. Our sin nature will always betray us.” Does this mean that Jesus also had a sin nature, and that He overcame it? Or did He just not have a sin nature?

Jesus And Judas

Published: April 27, 2014

The Lord Jesus came to die for our sins. Then why did He want to be betrayed by Judas? Just to fulfill a prophecy? What is the truth behind it?

Seven Spirits Of God

Published: April 27, 2014

Greetings in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. I am sending this mail because of a Christian book I saw titled ‘The Seven Spirits of God’. I do not seem to understand the meaning of the seven spirits of God. I would be glad if you could explain it for me.

The Seven Spirits Of God

Published: April 27, 2014

In your Revelation study you have said the seven spirits of God in Rev. 4:5 refer to the Holy Spirit and you cited Isaiah 11:2 for confirmation. But I find only 6 attributes there: “the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of might, the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the LORD–” What am I missing?

Predictive Or Prescriptive Prophecy?

Published: April 26, 2014

You wrote: “When Israel failed to recognize Jesus as their Messiah on the first Palm Sunday, He said that knowledge of Him would henceforth be hidden from their eyes. Zechariah 12:10 is a prophecy that tells us when their spiritual blindness will be lifted.”

Also, 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12, Paul writes: “For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.”

Of course, this is a reference to the Anti-Christ and the delusion that will come over people so they believe in “him” instead of God. My question is, are these delusions “predictive” or “prescriptive?” Are these prophecies simply telling us what “will” be or did/will God actually “prescribe” them or make it/them happen?

A Mid-Trib Rapture?

Published: April 26, 2014

My friend says the Rapture is mid-trib since the church, as the restrainer, will not be removed until right before the antichrist is revealed, which is when he stands in the temple 3 1/2 years before the end. It won’t be at the start of the tribulation as no one will know who he is so the church doesn’t need to be removed. What would you say to this?

Beyond Pardon?

Published: April 25, 2014

My wife is fighting a constant battle in her mind thinking that she has committed the unpardonable sin. A few years ago “something” happened in her life at which time she told God in a time of anger she did not want anything more to do with him and even questioned his existence. She feels somehow that this would cause Him to remove His grace from her. Could you please reply to this so I can show her that this is not so!