Ask a Bible Teacher

Understanding Galatians 5:16-21

Published: April 25, 2014

In Galatians 5:16-21 Paul deals with the issue of continuing in sin. I realize that God not only saved me but also keeps me; However in Galatians 5:21 he says that “I have for warned you, that those who practice such things (as listed in vs.19-20) shall not inherit the kingdom of God. How do you answer this?

No Rapture?

Published: April 25, 2014

I was speaking with a Messianic Jewish friend of mine about his interpretation of end times prophecy and he stated that it is his belief that there will be no gathering up (rapture) of the Church but rather all people will experience a new exodus in which the old law will be re-instituted to the letter (even including sending unclean people out of the camp).

He sited for this argument Matthew 24 where Jesus made mention of the believers of the tribulation having to leave immediately and how they should pray that it not be winter.

I re-read those passages and it does appear that he has a strong arguement there. I’m aware that the key to prophecy is determining the intended audience, but I can see how you can make an argument for either tribulation saints, Jewish people or the Church itself. Can you expand on this at all? I’d appreciate it. Thanks

A Real Rooster?

Published: April 24, 2014

I recently heard a popular author state that when the above mentioned scripture mentions a cock (rooster) it really is referring to a town crier since no roosters were allowed in the temple or its outer courts. Is this true or is it referring to a literal rooster?

More On The Three Day Three Night Mystery

Published: April 24, 2014

First of all let me congratulate you for teaching correctly that there were two Sabbaths in the week of Jesus death and resurrection. The Church as a whole misses this completely. Please allow me to share a couple of scriptures that shed additional light on this subject.

Mark 16:1 says that after the Sabbath was past they bought the spices that they might anoint Him. Luke 23:56 says that they returned and prepared the spices then rested on the Sabbath. Luke 24:1 They came to the tomb very early on the first day of the week bringing the spices that they had prepared.

A Thursday “Unleavened Bread” High Day Sabbath rest followed by a busy Friday of buying and preparing the spices then a Saturday weekly Sabbath rest is the only way that these two Scriptures can both be true. Your scenario of back to back Sabbaths on Fri and Sat after a Thus sundown burial leaves zero time for Mark16:1 and Luke 23:56 to take place.

More On Children And The Rapture

Published: April 24, 2014

I have been contemplating these times and the rapture. I’m wondering, if for a time, no one will be come pregnant? If the mother is not a believer (follower of Christ) at the point of rapture will the child evacuate the womb and be taken back to heaven with all the other children?

Can We Miss God’s Will For Us?

Published: April 23, 2014

Is there anywhere in the Bible that tells if God has a specific mate for us or that “one” person that we are destined to be with? Say if we married and wondered if we married the wrong or right person God had for us? Can we miss His will for our lives and miss our destiny and never be able to get it back?

The God Shaped Hole In Our Heart

Published: April 23, 2014

I just read one of your answers to a predestination question. If I understood you correctly, God already knew who would choose to be with Him in Eternity before He created us. So He makes sure that it happens and they all get saved. Nobody who wants to be with Him will fall through the cracks. Is it that simple? If so, there’s something I don’t understand. Everybody needs love, there are no exceptions. God is love. How is it that there are people who wouldn’t want this?

Longing For The Rapture

Published: April 23, 2014

Do you receive many questions or comments of people (1) dreaming of the rapture and what it will be like; (2) longing for the rapture; (3) sensing the rapture is coming soon. If yes, do you think this is a new ‘phenomenon’ i.e. the Lord preparing His church for departure; or ‘par for the course’ for people who study end times prophecy?

Fighting Jealousy

Published: April 23, 2014

I’m currently struggling with jealousy — I know that because I have Jesus, I have everything, but I still become jealous after I see someone with something that I want, whether it be their personality, skills, and so on; I’ve been jealous of my own friends, and it’s disgusting. To make matters worse, there’s even a particular person I tend to be jealous of. I find myself wishing misfortune to her — again, disgusting. I keep reminding myself that God will provide all that I need, but I keep having these thoughts and feelings. I find myself constantly asking for forgiveness for this sin. What verses would be useful for me to study?

More On Forgiveness

Published: April 23, 2014

I read your wonderful article on forgiveness. My questions is: do I need to go to the person and actually tell them I forgive them when they don’t see that they have sinned against me wrongfully? I have confessed to The Lord for being angry at this person. I have forgiven the person in my heart. But do I need to speak directly to this person?