How Many Temples Will There Be?
Published: April 2, 2014From reading your different articles along with the Bible, I understand that the 3rd temple to be built, that the Anti Christ will desecrate, will be built supposedly after the Ezekiel Battle. Is that the same temple that will remain when Christ comes back for the 1000 year reign? Or is the 3rd temple destroyed by the Anti Christ and a 4th built in the Millennium that the Jews will do their sacrifices in during that 1000 years? Thank you for your time and answers. I have loved studying God’s Word along with your interpretations.
You Will Do Even Greater Things Than These
Published: April 2, 2014Jesus once said if you believe in him you will do what he did and even greater things than he did. I’ve see this verse taken to the extreme whereby people do things that are not necessary in line with the word, claiming that what they are doing doesn’t have to be in line with the word for Jesus said they will do even greater things. My question then is how are we going to know if people are not twisting what God wants us to do if we don’t have to align everything with the word of God?
The Disciple Jesus Loved
Published: April 2, 2014There is something I have not been able to figure out. Who was the “Apostle Jesus Loved” in the Last Supper? I have long wanted to know who was given such a distinction and how it came about.
Israel, God’s First Born Son?
Published: April 1, 2014Thanks so much for your wonderful teaching; I have learned much from you over the years. During a Bible study, we were directed to Exodus 4:22-23, where Moses was told to tell Pharaoh “thus says the LORD, Israel is My son, My firstborn. So I said to you, Let My son go that he may serve Me…” Why does God call Israel “My son, My firstborn” in this passage? I know that Israel is God’s wife, but this threw me off.
Who Are The Elect In Matt. 24?
Published: April 1, 2014Matthew 24:31 says, “And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.” This verse states that the “elect” will be gathered from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other – heaven, not earth. Is this proof we are already in heaven before the tribulation? That we have been raptured?
Not Sure About The Rapture Any More
Published: March 31, 2014I grew up being taught the rapture. I don’t feel so sure about it now. Jesus tells the parable one will be in the field, the other gone and so on. He also tells the parable of the wheat and the tares. The tares were taken before the wheat. If the rapture is true, then the people suffering in other countries, why can’t they be raptured out? Why are we any better that we don’t have to suffer but they do? I believe ALL will be tried. What do you think of this?
God or Angels?
Published: March 31, 2014I have heard many teachers claim that in Psalm 8:5 and Hebrews 2:7 the word “angels” is mistranslated and should be God resulting in the text reading: “… a little lower than God” with the idea being to bolster man’s dominion status. The notion that there’s an error always generates in my mind thought of well if this translation is wrong what else is wrong and that leads to the doubt of the Bible being infallible, the breathed, and inspired Word of God. Others I have heard say that you have to be a Hebrew/Greek scholar because God spoke to his man using these languages and translators have taken liberties. I would like your opinion. Thanks.
Matt. 24 And the Pre-Trib Rapture. Follow Up
Published: March 31, 2014I’ve had several post trib believers tell me the rapture will take place in Matt. 24:31. They say the trumpet mentioned in that verse is the same as the “last trump” Paul mentioned in 1 Cor. 15:52 because it’s the last trumpet before the 2nd coming. How would you respond to that?
The Sign Of Your Coming
Published: March 31, 2014Do you think it’s possible that when Jesus answered the question about when his 2nd coming would occur in Matthew’s gospel, when he said “This generation shall not pass away before all these things happen” that he could have literally meant; Out of everyone born worldwide on the day in 1948 that Israel became a nation again, that at least ONE of those people would still be alive when the Tribulation ends?
Who Will Be Fighting Israel After Ezekiel 38?
Published: March 31, 2014After the battle of Ezekiel 38 with the downfall of Russia, what Moslem nations fall with Russia ? Assuming Damascus has already been destroyed, who do you think are the Power Nations left to battle Israel ? Or as Ezekiel 38 ushers in the 7 year Tribulation period, are there no more major wars until the battle of Armageddon ? Without major wars involving Israel, are the remaining events of the end times only related to God’s judgments of Wrath upon mankind ? Thank you for your site and your wise insight to coming events !