Raptured By Works?
Published: March 26, 2014I was recently directed to a web site and I was a little upset after realizing that this website seems to say that salvation is based on faith and grace, but that those that will be raptured is a reward for works. Those not considered worthy Christians would have to endure the tribulation. The site uses the 10 virgins parable to say that the 5 that didn’t make the rapture were not worthy enough. Is this true? I thought that true believers were raptured, and this was based on grace and faith, not works. If the messages from this web site is true, than this is very disturbing indeed.
David’s Temple Or Solomon’s?
Published: March 26, 2014I know you teach that the “tabernacle of David” referred to in Acts 15:16, is the temple. I would really like to believe tabernacle refers to the temple as I’m encountering teaching that allegorizes the tabernacle of David to mean the church, but temple just doesn’t fit to me, because it was “Solomon’s temple” not David’s. Am I missing something really obvious?
Besetting Sins
Published: March 25, 2014When you say it’s impossible for us to not sin because of our sin nature, I’m assuming you are referring to bad motives, thoughts, anger etc., and the list goes on. Do besetting sins fall into the category of not being able to stop? Is there no victory for those who struggle with things like addictions? Are we doomed to continue to fail till Jesus comes? I just heard the testimony of a famous sportscaster who got saved and stopped drinking. He was bound to the point of being told his liver was failing. The man got saved and never touched alcohol again.
Man’s Lifespan … Gen. 6:3 vs. Psalm 90:10
Published: March 25, 2014You have said, “According to Psalm 90:10 an average Biblical life span is 70 years, eighty if we are strong.” It stand in Gods Word and is therefore authentic. But God Himself said something different in Gen 6:3 “And Jehovah said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, in his erring; he is flesh. Yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty years.” As far as I know, no where in the Bible has God reversed these words. How do you reconcile this?
Rapture Or 2nd Coming
Published: March 25, 2014I read your latest entry on the subject of the partial rapture, but what is your take on Heb 9:28? Doesn’t that seem to imply the Lord will only appear to those who are looking for him? “…and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.”
Tribulation And Great Tribulation?
Published: March 24, 2014Would you clarify the Tribulation and the Great Tribulation? How I understand it is that the whole 7 year Tribulation begins when Israel signs a (7 year) peace treaty with the anti-Christ and the Great Trib. starts halfway through (3 1/2 yrs) when the abomination of desolation occurs in the Temple by the anti-christ. You seem to focus only on this period. In your opinion, will we believers be here when the treaty is signed and be here through the first half of the Trib.? I always thought we were out of here for the whole seven years. And what will take place during the first half and what about people who are still here in America and other nations who don’t travel/move to Israel… what will they experience?
Understanding The Things Of God
Published: March 24, 2014When Paul was speaking of the natural man cannot understand the “things of God” for they are spiritually discerned, I have two questions: is the natural man just the flesh in every man or actual unbelievers and second, what exactly are the “things of God” in view here? I know many unbelievers with quite pronounced academic backgrounds who “understand” the Bible. Would love some further clarification. Is Paul saying that a non-Christian is completely incapable of understanding the Word of God?
Still More On Taking The Mark
Published: March 24, 2014I understand that once saved it is eternal. What if the people(s) who are saved and cannot be taken out of the hand of God take the mark? Also, I know that in Revelation Yeshua said that He will keep us from the hour of temptation. Can you explain these things, please?
Reconciling The Ages of Noah And Shem
Published: March 24, 2014I have been studying Genesis, using the NLT as my source and I’m stumped. It’s probably just me and numbers, but please help me understand. Genesis 5:32 says “By the time Noah was 500 years old, he was the father of Shem, Ham, and Japheth.” Genesis 11:10 says, “Two years after the great flood, when Shem was 100 years old, he became the father of Arphaxad.” Noah was 601 years old when he came out of the ark, so how could this timeline work out? Other translations say “After Noah was 500 years old”, but what am I missing in the NLT?
Messianic Passover Meal
Published: March 24, 2014My friends and myself are thinking about preparing a Passover Seder meal. Do you have any info about what we should make? Any recipes’? If not, how do we go about getting them? In your opinion, would this glorify the Lord? Would this insult Him? Also, in one of the articles that I read about this meal, it said that we were supposed to drink about 4 glasses of wine. I would fall over drinking that much wine. I haven’t had a drink in 12 years.