Ask a Bible Teacher

Time Span Of The Four Seals

Published: February 18, 2014

I was re-reading your essay on Revelation, and I wonder…when the first four seals are to be opened, is there any indication that it will happen in rapid succession, or will there be a space of time to allow the realization of each event to sink in?

The Mark Of The Beast

Published: February 17, 2014

I work on political campaigns and familiarize myself with legislation under debate. During the health care debates a legislative proposal included possible implanting RFID chips into recipients of the “public option”, an implant containing health information and monitoring success or failures of medical issues. As a Christian these proposals scare me, they seem invasive and may provide the ability for abuse.

Talking with my father, I mentioned my concern and stated that I would NEVER accept such an implant, in fact I would die before accepting any government mandated implant. Is such a concern irrational? I believe, as Christians living for Jesus, we should have boundaries we are not willing to cross. To me a government chip/implant is crossing the boundary. I know the same concern ran rampant when the social security numbers were administered but I think something in line with the RFID (failed) proposal is different and much more dangerous.

The 144,000 And The 2 Witnesses

Published: February 17, 2014

I was wondering about the timing of the different ministries of the Trib. evangelists (concurrent or subsequent): specifically, since the 144K appear first in Rev.7, would that mean they preach the first HALF of the Trib. then disappear (in another Rapture), to give way to the “second wave” ministry, so to speak, of the Two Witnesses who don’t appear until Rev. 11 (is that basically the second HALF, or during Great Tribulation)?

Have The Words Of Jesus Been Lost In Translation?

Published: February 17, 2014

I enjoy your website very much and read it often. However, I have a question regarding the New Testament writers translating the actual words of Jesus. If Jesus spoke the common language of Aramaic during His ministry and yet the New Testament was written in Greek, could the actual meanings of His words be “lost in translation”?

God’s Argument Against Evolution. Follow Up

Published: February 17, 2014

Reading your study on God’s Argument Against Evolution, you said, ” Then Satan introduced another breed into the equation and soon fallen angels were breeding with human women to produce a hybrid race called nephilim.” This brings forth my question. If all angels are male and there are no female angels, why did God give the male angels genitalia and the ability to reproduce? You once said there is no sex in Heaven so why then could the fallen angels have sex and reproduce?

Is Faith A Form Of Work?

Published: February 17, 2014

I have a question about faith versus works. I am very much a “by faith alone, in Christ alone” believer (who also believes in OSAS). But, to be perfectly honest, I find myself wondering if faith itself isn’t a form of works. Believing is something you have to do to be saved. In other words, if you don’t “work” it by believing and receiving you won’t be saved. Isn’t that works?

Tribulation Saints Vs. The Church

Published: February 16, 2014

I just listened to your MP3 series on Revelation chapter 7-9. In part 4 you talk about the Tribulation Martyrs serving Jesus in the temple etc, but they would not receive the reward that the Church does, which is to be co-heirs with Christ. I had never seen this before while reading Revelation until you mentioned it. Can you explain why you think this is so? So basically what your saying is that as soon as the Rapture happens anyone who believes after that point is not really part of the Church but is classified in another group. (Kind of like Israel is a separate group.) Can you go further into this?

Spiritual Blindness

Published: February 16, 2014

In John 9:41″ Jesus said, “If you were blind you would not be guilty of sin, but now that you claim to see your sin remains.”

The part about being blind makes you not guilty of sin–to whom would that apply? Does that mean that if someone is blind to their sin they’re not accountable for it in some way? Or does it mean that if they didn’t know it was a sin, but they acted in good conscience, they’re o.k.?

No One Knows The Day Or Hour, One More Time

Published: February 16, 2014

Revelation 3:3 states “So remember what you have received and heard; and keep it, and repent. Therefore if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what hour I will come to you.” Does this verse imply for those that are awake that they will know the hour of his return? If so, it seems to contradict Mathew 24:36 “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.” Could you explain?

Who Are The Dead In Christ?

Published: February 16, 2014

I have been pondering about what is written in 1 Thessalonians 4: 16, “…And the dead in Christ will rise first”. In your interpretation, does “in Christ” refer to: