Three Bodies?
Published: February 10, 2014I was watching a well known teacher on TV today and he said a fascinating thing; Quoting 2 Corinthians 5: 1-5, he explained that we will have up to three bodies. The body we have on earth which is corruptible, a second temporary body when we go to Heaven if we die before the Rapture and a third, perfect body which we will receive at our resurrection. Apparently those who go in the rapture will only get two of these, the first and the third. Have you ever heard of this?
Before The Rapture Or The 2nd Coming?
Published: February 10, 2014My question is about the things the Bible says must happen before the coming of the Lord. Do these things refer to the Rapture or the Second Coming? For instance Christ talks about the gospel of the kingdom being preached to all tribes and then the end. Is this a pre- rapture prophecy or a pre-second Coming prophecy. Also Paul says Christ is coming for a church without spot or wrinkle. Is this talking about a church that has worked out its salvation? What does this mean? And this seems like a pre-rapture condition, too.
More On OSAS And Galatians 5
Published: February 10, 2014I have always believed in OSAS. but, how do we mesh OSAS with what Paul says in Galatians 5:19-21? I have 3 adult children who all profess to be saved but all are committing fornication I guess. They all seem dedicated to their mate but there is no marriage for any of them. Paul seems pretty definite when he says here that none of them who are involved in sexual immorality will ever see the kingdom of God.
Falling Away Or Revival?
Published: February 10, 2014If we are in the end times 2 Thes. 2 speaks to a falling away. But Acts 2 seems to speak to an end times revival. Can you reconcile these two apparently contradictory verses?
Why The Shift Of Pronouns In Zech 12:10?
Published: February 10, 2014I have a question concerning the language used in Zechariah 12:10, “They will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for him as one grieves for a firstborn son.” It’s my understanding that the verse is referring to the second coming of Christ, but why do the personal pronouns shift from Me to Him?
The Sign Of The Son Of Man
Published: February 10, 2014Do you know what the “sign of the Son of Man” is? Some say the cross, some tell me it’s the fish sign. Jesus said it like we should all know what it is.
Will the Last Seven Years Begin In March 2014?
Published: February 10, 2014There are some who look at Revelation 12 and match the sign that John saw in the heavens to a computer program called Starry Night that accurately tracks past and future movements of stars, planets, sun, moon, etc. and the description matches very well in Sept of 2017. If Revelation 12 is considered “mid trib” then could it mean that the beginning of the seven years would be March of 2014?
As Far As It Depends On You
Published: February 8, 2014I really enjoy your site. It has been a true blessing. I would like to know what you think of the Pastor from Florida who tried to burn the Koran. Do you think that Christians should take such positions and take such a stand like that?
Has Satan Been Expelled From Heaven?
Published: February 8, 2014You stated that as of the beginning of the Great Tribulation Satan will no longer have access to God, but will be confined to Earth. I, and everybody I know, always thought that BEFORE creation the earth was in total chaos because Satan was cast down from Heaven with a third of the angels that followed him. And that he was ejected from heaven for good! We understood that God immediately got rid of him and his followers and they were all thrown to earth to do all the evil we have witnessed throughout history. Does that mean I and so many others have misunderstood this point?
Whatever Happened To Living A Godly Life?
Published: February 8, 2014I have been struggling with something for a while now, and I can’t quite get over it. It deals with the fact that I see even my fellow Christian women blatantly ignoring the way God would have us live. I see them dressing immodestly, even at church, and obsessing over television shows that are either raunchy or irrelevant. I feel uppity and self-righteous even thinking these things, because I certainly am not without sin and I’m not nearly a prude either. But at times I feel completely surrounded by people who are choosing worldly ways over God’s ways.