The Body And The Bride
Published: January 19, 2014Where does it say that the Church, the body of Christ, is the bride of Christ? It says in revelation 21 starting v9, come let me show you the bride of Christ and John is shown the holy city of Jerusalem adorned as a bride. I would just like to know are we the body of Christ or the bride of Christ or both?
Longing For His Appearing
Published: January 19, 2014There is so much evil and corruption in this world in every place you look; business, school, police, government. We try to stand our spiritual ground but it’s becoming harder and harder to do, in the face of all the evil. Is it alright for Christians to pray for Jesus to Rapture His Church? I admit I have really been praying hard for it recently. I pray He comes for us soon.
What Does Fearful Mean?
Published: January 16, 2014Re: Rev. 21:8, I do not understand who or what is applied with the term fearful. I understand the rest of the sinful acts however I’m not clear on that fearful one. would you have an explanation that would clarify it?
Frustrated With Other Believers
Published: January 16, 2014I am very excited about learning prophecy and pray for the rapture to come now! I get very excited talking about it and try to get people around me to get excited about it and to pray for the rapture. It is very frustrating that I seem to be the only one that gets excited about this and I can’t get anyone else to join me. So, I started thinking maybe it’s just me…do you think it’s possible that I’m on the wrong path? I know Jesus wants us to love/enjoy this life here on earth, and I do, but I know the next life is going to be so much better than this one, so how could I not pray for that to come?
Also, does the bible warn about speculating when the rapture might happen? I have to believe that if Jesus didn’t want us to watch/look and speculate, he wouldn’t have told us about the signs to watch for.
Are All Children Saved?
Published: January 16, 2014Thanks again for a great site. Common sense tells us that all children and those unable to make a decision for Christ due to mental capacity would be taken in the Rapture, but is there anything in the scripture to back this up?
Is Matt. 24:30 About The Church?
Published: January 15, 2014One question that constantly comes out of the mouth of Post Tribbers is Matt. 24:30 and it’s relation to verse 29 before it, insinuating the rapture is the gathering spoken of and happens after the tribulation. I am sure I have read some reference about this in one of your articles but I am not sure which. My explanation usually deals with the fact that Jesus, here speaking to Jews is also prophesying the fate of the Jews living through the tribulation (context). However the explanation always seems to come across as my interpretation and I really have no clear scriptures to back it up. Any thoughts or scriptures I should consider?
Should We Wait? Follow up
Published: January 15, 2014Why is this question avoided by churches and or pastors, other than it’s wrong? Just read Galatians 5:19-21 and 1 Cor 6:9. Obviously I could go on and on, but We need to teach people and be bold. If people understand their righteousness, these questions would not even be brought up by believers. Your spiritual life needs to be larger than your physical life. You feed the spirit by reading your bible. The bible doesn’t mince words yet people keep asking pastors till they get the answer they want.
The First Ones Into The Lake Of Fire
Published: January 15, 2014I have a question concerning Matt 25: We know that at the great white throne judgment Hades and death will be cast into the lake of fire. However, are the “goats” in Matt 25 the 1st inhabitants of the lake of fire after the beast and false prophet? Jesus` description “the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels” is NOT a description of Hades, but of the lake of fire, so it seems to me the “goats” go to the lake of fire at this point rather than after the white throne. am I correct?
Second Chance Theology?
Published: January 15, 2014Today my husband and I watched a television broadcast from a well known ministry. He was teaching about different kinds of hell and everyone who has already died, that was NOT saved will have a second chance to be saved at the White Throne Judgment, using Revelation 20 as scripture backing this up. What are your thoughts on this?
How Can God Hold Me Accountable?
Published: January 15, 2014God says that I deserve eternal punishment for not being perfect, even though I couldn’t have been perfect in the first place! How can I be held morally accountable for not living up to a standard that I couldn’t have lived up to even if I wanted to and tried my very hardest to?