Ask a Bible Teacher

Are These Reports True?

Published: December 30, 2013

In surfing through Christian web sites, I frequently find references to a huge number of persons being saved daily, especially in the Middle East, Far East, and Africa. They speak of people converted by visions, dreams, healings, and resurrections. How much of that is true and how much is wishful thinking; people quoting each other in a circular fashion, supporting and reinforcing each the others’ beliefs? Is there truly (praise God) such a huge number of conversions numbering, some say, in excess of 100,000 per day? Isn’t such a statement contrary to what Scripture says will happen in the Last Days?

Confessing After We’ve Been Saved

Published: December 30, 2013

I would like to know the following. I am aware that Jesus Christ died for my sins, once and for all (me and everybody). I believe this means all my sins past, present, and future are forgiven, wiped away, and I am clean. So, when my “sinful nature” sins again, if I can put it that way, do I still have to ask for forgiveness of sins, or do I just admit that I’ve sinned and that I know it is wrong, and then thank Him that He has forgiven me already?

The Pause In Daniel’s 70 Weeks Prophecy

Published: December 29, 2013

Since reading the “Coming Prince” by Sir Robert Anderson I have become a student of the Book of Daniel in particular. I have used his 70 weeks prophecy to silence many a skeptic who would say,” How do you know the Bible is in fact the Word of God and true”. My question is: How is it that the Angel Gabriel, John the Baptist, Jesus, the Apostles, Paul and all the writers of the New Testament never broached the issue of the 69 weeks? It appears that only the Persians were keeping track of the countdown, yet there must have been honest God fearing Scribes and Pharisees that knew the time was up. No mention of it until 1885AD or so and then by Scotland Yard. I can see how Jesus may have hidden the truth for the religious leaders of His time, but He certainly must have expounded this truth to His followers that Nisan 10, 32AD was exactly 69 weeks of seven from the proclamation by Artaxerxes Longimanus. It seems that after His resurrection someone would have written of this fulfillment of prophecy.

Reconciling Daniel’s Prophecy To Palm Sunday. Follow Up

Published: December 29, 2013

In Reconciling Daniels Prophecy to Palm Sunday, you stated, “483 years of 360 days each from 445 BC brings us to 32AD.” Elsewhere, you state historical evidence of Jesus being born sometime between 6 B.C. and 4 B.C., with which my own studies concur. Luke 3:23 states that Jesus was about thirty when his ministry began. If so, then I’m having a hard time connecting the dots. If Palm Sunday was in 32

God’s Wrath And The Great Tribulation

Published: December 29, 2013

I’ve been under the impression that the tribulation was the 7-year period following the rapture. Based on your most recent post it seems a distinction is being made between God’s wrath beginning in Rev 16 and the Great Tribulation starting in Rev 13. Could you amplify?

Being Saved Vs. Bearing Fruit

Published: December 28, 2013

You’ve said you believe in the parable of the Sower that the seed on the ground and the seed in the rocky places are those who did not get saved, but that the seed that fell among the thorns are those who did get saved. There are other teachers with this interpretation, of course. But I have also heard it said that the seed that fell among the thorns are not saved because according to Luke 8:14 it brought no fruit “to maturity”, or as the KJV puts it – “to perfection.” They would say fruit that does not come to perfection or maturity isn’t even “good” fruit, but would be considered bad fruit by definition. What is your take on that point?

More On Grace Plus Work

Published: December 22, 2013

So, since the only requirement for going in the rapture is being truly born again, having received the pardon for our sins that the Lord purchased for us with His life by admitting that you’re a sinner, believing He died for your sins and rose again, and asking Him to be your Savior. Are those who believe in salvation by works truly born again? Would they be left behind if He came back today?

Loving Our Enemies

Published: December 21, 2013

In the Old Testament, God frequently led Israel into battle, but Christ tells us to love our enemies. Are the wars the US is currently involved in contrary to God’s will? Should we be loving our Muslim enemies instead of fighting them?

OSAS And Backsliders

Published: December 21, 2013

People who don’t believe in OSAS describe those who were once saved but have fallen away from the faith as being back sliders. From the perspective of OSAS, is there any such thing as a back slider? If so, how would you describe it?

Eternal Punishment And Eternal Life

Published: December 21, 2013

I have always been taught that punishment is eternal, but after reading Matthew 10:28, I wonder about that. Matthew 10:28 says that Satan can destroy the soul… so that means its gone right? I do believe the fires in hell and the lake of fire are eternal, but I am a wondering about the soul. Also, is eternal life a gift we receive? Isn’t eternal life something that we achieve by being faithful to our Lord?