Explaining The Sheep And Goat Judgment
Published: December 21, 2013Can you please explain again how Messiah was meaning His Jewish brethren when talking about “if you did it to the least of these my brothers, you were doing it to me”, and how it means we should be helping the Jews today, whether monetarily or otherwise. Someone I’m talking to thinks it only means fellow believers, and I don’t think that’s entirely correct. Am I wrong in my thinking?
Anti Christ And The End Times Religion
Published: December 19, 2013Someone has pointed out that the Anti-Christ will one day defect from his own religion, from the god of his fathers, and magnify himself to be a god. If the anti-Christ comes from Islam and magnifies himself above all including Allah, and demand the Muslims follow him, how will the Muslim crowd respond to his demand? Seems like he would be called a traitor to his own religion, and be killed.
When Will Israel Receive The New Covenant?
Published: December 18, 2013In Ezekiel 36:26-27 the Lord Said, “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you. I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh. I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes.” When I was a new Christian I heard this word of the Lord and understood that this is what takes place in a Christians’ life at the time of salvation and continues throughout our sanctification and I was deeply blessed. My question is: Exactly when does this take place for the house of Israel?
The Pre-Trib Rapture In Isaiah
Published: December 18, 2013I don’t read the Bible often but I try to when I have some peace time. This verse really stood out to me: Isaiah 26: 19-20. Is this, in your opinion, the means by which the rapture will take place? Are these verses to be interpreted with literal meaning and common sense of they’re connotation, in that, the dead will raise and walk the earth?
Are We Still Sinners?
Published: December 17, 2013We know Jesus died for our sins , so that by believing in him we will not perish but have everlasting life. Believing in him is not just saying, “I was saved once and I will always be saved,” but is continuously trying to live as Jesus would have us live, and continually suppressing the whims and caprices of our flesh, which is corrupt in nature.
While we are in this state of living for Christ, remaining unblemished and fit for the rapture, do we still regard ourselves sinners? What happened to “I am a new creation”? Where is the power of the Blood that was shed if it still doesn’t stop us from being sinners?
Latter Day Nephilim?
Published: December 16, 2013Some Christian friends seem obsessed over the subject of giants and Nephilim. I believe like you that they were the result of fallen angels mating with human women. However, since God’s Word doesn’t dwell on the fact and makes very limited mention of them, why all the fuss? They existed and God destroyed them. My friends say in the last days there will again be “hybrid” humans, meaning half-demon and half-human from the interaction of fallen angels again. I’m just afraid that too much preoccupation with Nephilim, aliens, etc. will lead my friends into an obsession of studying dark things instead of what God’s real message is, the redemption of mankind. Maybe I’m the one who’s wrong and would welcome your thoughts.
Like A Thief In The Night
Published: December 15, 2013Why would Jesus say He would come as a “thief” in the night and not use another analogy? To me this is odd. Why not use something like I will come unexpectedly like a person to the market when the market is closed? To me a thief is someone who does something illegal, one who is a criminal. Or has the word thief been translated in a wrong way over the many years?
Am I Saved?
Published: December 15, 2013I wanted to know if an old pastor was right when he said that, because I don’t speak in tongues I’m not saved and am going to hell. I’ve prayed hundreds of times to speak in tongues but can’t, I feel useless and sometimes like just giving up, “not on God though as I love Him too much”. Can you please give me some advise and/or some comfort in this situation?”
Satan, The Millennium, And The Church
Published: December 14, 2013Will the church be on earth when the devil is allowed to run around for a while after Jesus’ 1000 year reign? I figure we will be here on earth after Heaven descends and all. Still wondering how and why he’s allowed to come back esp if Jesus is in charge at that time.
The Pagan Origin of Christian Holidays
Published: December 14, 2013I have been considering the issue of pagan holy days being repackaged by the Christian church. My tendency in my faith-walk is to fall into legalism (following an outward practice thinking that I am a “better” Christian because of it). Since I know it’s a pitfall for me, I am cautious to change my outward practice until I am certain that it is the best way. For example, while the Christian church celebrates Easter and not Passover, does the very act of celebrating Christ’s death and resurrection not somehow redeem the fact that it may not be on the right day or have questionable beginnings (inclusion of pagan elements)? I’ve attempted to discuss this issue with several friends who are Believers, and they tend to “roll” their eyes at my comments. Do you have any insight on this?