Ask a Bible Teacher

How Do I Answer?

Published: November 23, 2013

My relative just sent this snide question and I need a good Christian witnessing answer. The question is this; “Can God make a bigger rock than he can move?”

Are We Sure About The Pre-Trib Rapture?

Published: November 22, 2013

I believe in the pretrib-rapture. But there are some who say Christians are setting ourselves up for a big disappointment. I know there’s different views and I have studied all of those. Can these Bible prophecy experts say for sure that this is the only way it can happen or is there a possibility that a pre trib may not be right. I honestly believe with all my heart that the pre trib is the only one that makes sense according to the scripture. However is there a chance that we could be interpreting Scripture wrong?

The Fate Of Surviving Tribulation Believers

Published: November 22, 2013

What is the biblical interpretation regarding the fate of those who become believers post rapture, and then survive all of the events or horrors of the tribulation leading up to the second coming?

The Beginning Of The End?

Published: November 22, 2013

With the downturn of the US economy, can we say that it’s a prelude to the rising power of the anti Christ movement? I remember you shared that when the US lost its control and influence over the world’s economy and started to abandon Israel, that is when Russia and Iran will attack Israel to fulfill the prophecy of Ezekiel 38-39. Then could the US economic downturn be the prelude for the anti Christ to rise to power and dominion?

More On The Day and Hour

Published: November 20, 2013

I see that you are adamant that the Rapture will happen when a predetermined number of Gentiles come to faith in Christ. Whilst I agree with you in principle, that number will occur on a predetermined date. Therefore it stands to reason that the Rapture will occur on a specific date in time when a specific number of Gentiles has been saved. Or would you rather say that a specific number will come in on a specific date? Surely both points are valid?

Will God Judge Me For This?

Published: November 19, 2013

I used to write romantic fiction, and even though I no longer do, I still have impure thoughts sometimes. I feel like Satan is using my previous job to attack my mind. I rebuke him, and pray to Jesus everyday to help me leave my old life behind. Will God judge me for these thoughts? I feel guilty that they even pop into my mind.

More On Millennial Saints

Published: November 18, 2013

Many times I’ve been told that there are 3 groups of Saints. But I come up with 4 groups; Old Testament, Church, Tribulation, and those that come out of the Millennium. Can you give me your thoughts on this as I’m having trouble providing scripture to back me up.

Why Is The Pre-Trib Rapture Hard To Believe?

Published: November 18, 2013

Why do some Christians have trouble believing in a pre-trib rapture (or a rapture at all)? Maybe they don’t understand that Jesus paid our debt in full?

Messianic Believers And The Rapture

Published: November 17, 2013

I am a Messianic believer with a Jewish mother and a Christian father. Would I be included in the church and qualified to participate in the rapture? I believe that I am, but can you please confirm this from Scripture?

Those Left Behind

Published: November 15, 2013

Hello, You have a wonderfully informative site. I have a quick question regarding people being left behind after the rapture and the possibility of their salvation. You state, and I agree, that the rapture is a “number” event. Specifically, the number of the gentiles being fulfilled. I personally take this to mean that there is no more. I just don’t see how gentiles can still be saved, after the number of the gentiles is fulfilled. I lean towards the rapture occurring during a time of intense global turmoil, where when the rapture occurs, it will be explained away. This may coincide with the strong delusion that Paul speaks of. Thoughts?