Is God Everywhere?
Published: June 5, 2013How can unrepentant sinners at death be excluded from the presence of God if He is everywhere?
Re-Thinking Rapture Estimates. Follow Up
Published: June 4, 2013Years before I ever heard of your ministry I came up with the same calculations that you did. But every time I hear anyone saying, “until the number is reached, there will be no rapture,” I always get a sinking feeling. We believers are responsible for winning souls. I am probably the most anxious for the rapture of anyone who you’ll ever hear from and it hits me hard that we are responsible for winning souls and we haven’t reached that number. What if we don’t get there? I know the Lord knows the end from the beginning, but that “number” still bugs me.
Is The Rapture 1000 Years Away?
Published: June 3, 2013My brother in law and I were talking about the end times yesterday and I was reading him some of your articles. Well he brought up 2 Peter 3:8 NLT “But you must not forget this one thing, dear friends: A day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years is like a day.” Then he said, “So if you think about it its only been like 2 days”. I myself believe the time is very near, but he says he thinks it’s another 1,000 years away. Is there any biblical proof?
Re-Thinking Rapture Estimates
Published: June 2, 2013In 2010 you said there was enough time for the rapture to take place by the end of 2011, but it didn’t. I agree with your 1948 starting point. Do you see any other solid date variables besides the 70 year life span ? I have not seen any new articles from you to revise your time line. Please don’t give up ! You are our valued resource on the End Times.
When Is The Age Of Accountability?
Published: June 1, 2013In studying the effects of alcohol on the human brain, we know that the back lobes control basic motor functions that include walking, talking, and vision. These develop first in a person from birth thru childhood. The frontal lobes deal with higher reasoning, critical thinking, and decision-making capabilities. But the frontal lobes aren’t fully developed until the age 25 or so. Seeing as the frontal lobes are what would help formulate what a person believes (or don’t believe), wouldn’t it be a safe assumption that the age of accountability is actually then, rather than the traditional belief of 13-18?
The Timing Of Ezekiel’s Battle
Published: May 30, 2013Ezekiel 39:7 states that in the aftermath of the Ez. 38-39 battle, God will no longer allow his name to be profaned. Does this not mean that the aftermath must by necessity be near the end of the Tribulation? After all, God’s name will be continuously profaned during the Tribulation.
A Contradiction Or Not?
Published: May 29, 2013Genesis 6:6 says, “And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.” But in Numbers 23:19 it says, “God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?” I know and I believe in my heart that there isn’t any contradiction in the Word of God. But I would really appreciate any explanation on why there seems to be one here. The verbs in both verses are the same in Hebrew.
Mormons In The Rapture?
Published: May 28, 2013Re: Catholic Christians. Follow Up. We totally disagree with you on this issue dealing with Mormons in the Rapture. It is scary to stand up for Jesus when your family and friends think otherwise, but every Christian is called to do just that. The Lord made it clear that if we denied Him because we were on the spot, here on earth, He would deny us before His Father in Heaven. This is not a case of judging others, merely repeating what our Lord himself has said.
What’s Going On In Damascus? Follow Up
Published: May 28, 2013After studying the prophecy about the destruction of Damascus and the opinions of prophecy scholars, I am becoming more convinced that it was already fulfilled when Damascus was destroyed by the Assyrians in 732 BC. If this was indeed the case and I think history confirms it, and the fact that Damascus is a city at the present time, could scripture be referring to a temporary desolation like it happened to many nations when they were destroyed by invading armies?
Victorious Eschatology
Published: May 28, 2013Could you explain what the term “Victorious Eschatology” means? Someone was telling me it concerns the rapture. I have never heard of this before, have you?