Does 1 Cor. 6:9-10 Deny OSAS?
Published: July 12, 2012On the surface it looks like 1 Cor. 6:9-10 is stating that there are sins that could take our salvation away. Will people who rate those titles, perform those actions, or walk those lifestyles not be admitted to heaven? Or is there some other truth in that passage? If so, what is this passage really trying to tell us?
The Transfiguration And The 2nd Coming
Published: July 11, 2012You stated in an answer titled “The Transfiguration” that the topic of discussion between Jesus, Moses, and Elijah was the 2nd coming. You sited 2 Peter 1:16-18 for a reference. I have heard it said at other times that the second coming is what they were talking about at the Transfiguration. Although Peter is clearly talking here about his experience at the Transfiguration, I don’t get that about the 2nd coming when I read this passage. Can you explain to me how you get that understanding?
Confessing Our Sins, One More Time
Published: July 10, 2012Re: Losing fellowship with the Lord when we sin and the need to confess. I know that confession of sins is a standard take on the Bible that is taught even in my church, but recently the Lord has given me a powerful revelation on his incredible GRACE. I now believe that Chapter 1 of 1 John was written to both believers and non believers. Or, it was written to believers who felt that once saved they no longer sinned (Gnostics). I have read both of these interpretations and they make sense. I don’t believe he was telling believers to confess to restore fellowship. First of all, God promises to never leave or forsake us. Second, we actually sin much much more than we realize. I think if we break our fellowship with him every time we sin then we will not have hardly any fellowship with him until we die.
What’s Wrong With 2 Chronicles 7:14?
Published: July 10, 2012Is it scriptural for one to pray 2 Chronicles 7:14 assuming one is genuinely looking for the blessed hope, has an eternal view, knows the land is not their land and is at the same time desiring for God, by His grace, to soften the hearts of Christians and the unsaved, as a last chance before he passes judgment, like Nineveh responded to Jonah’s message from God? Is the principle of repentance and forgiveness universal in this verse in your opinion?
The 9th Of Av
Published: July 9, 2012I have heard that the 9th of Av has been a day in Israel’s past where many historic events have happened. The 9th of Av falls on July 28 this year. In light of all the military action in Syria and Lebanon [Hezbollah] and Gaza do you feel this could be another important day coming up for Israel?
Lebanon In The Millennium
Published: July 9, 2012Lebanon and the cedars of Lebanon are spoken of throughout the Bible. Will it continue to keep its name in the future–when Israel gets its original area given to Abraham or as when David was king–during the 1,000 year kingdom reign?
Why Do I Feel Guilty?
Published: July 8, 2012Why am I having so much guilt over not supporting our son? From what I have read and from what people have told us, my husband and I should not support our son’s lifestyle, but it’s breaking my heart. He is 18-1/2, graduated high school this year, quit his job, and just hangs out with his friends. There is nothing physically preventing him from working or going to school (his grandparents have offered to help fund schooling, and he is smart enough that he could have gotten scholarships if he had applied himself). Are we doing the right thing?
The Eternal Fire
Published: July 8, 2012As I understand it the Lake of Fire was created by God for the devil and his fallen angels for eternal punishment. When was it stated, for the first time, that this place will also be the place where all people will go who are not saved? Who first taught this? Did Jesus ever teach this during his time on earth?
Are Tattoos OK For Christians?
Published: July 8, 2012I would like to know what you have to say Biblically about tattoos. I am seeing more and more people with them. Many of my Christian friends are now getting them as well. Is there Biblical evidence against tattooing the body?
The Coming Destruction Of Damascus
Published: July 7, 2012How do you think Damascus will be destroyed and when? Prior to Daniel’s 70 week? And will it be by a nuke from Israel or will 100 to 300 metric tons of biological and chemical weapons stored in Syria contaminate their own city?