Ask a Bible Teacher

Lebanon In The Millennium

Published: July 9, 2012

Lebanon and the cedars of Lebanon are spoken of throughout the Bible. Will it continue to keep its name in the future–when Israel gets its original area given to Abraham or as when David was king–during the 1,000 year kingdom reign?

Why Do I Feel Guilty?

Published: July 8, 2012

Why am I having so much guilt over not supporting our son? From what I have read and from what people have told us, my husband and I should not support our son’s lifestyle, but it’s breaking my heart. He is 18-1/2, graduated high school this year, quit his job, and just hangs out with his friends. There is nothing physically preventing him from working or going to school (his grandparents have offered to help fund schooling, and he is smart enough that he could have gotten scholarships if he had applied himself). Are we doing the right thing?

The Eternal Fire

Published: July 8, 2012

As I understand it the Lake of Fire was created by God for the devil and his fallen angels for eternal punishment. When was it stated, for the first time, that this place will also be the place where all people will go who are not saved? Who first taught this? Did Jesus ever teach this during his time on earth?

Are Tattoos OK For Christians?

Published: July 8, 2012

I would like to know what you have to say Biblically about tattoos. I am seeing more and more people with them. Many of my Christian friends are now getting them as well. Is there Biblical evidence against tattooing the body?

The Coming Destruction Of Damascus

Published: July 7, 2012

How do you think Damascus will be destroyed and when? Prior to Daniel’s 70 week? And will it be by a nuke from Israel or will 100 to 300 metric tons of biological and chemical weapons stored in Syria contaminate their own city?

Is Germany In End Times Prophecy?

Published: July 5, 2012

What role do you believe that Germany and Chancellor Merkel are playing in prophecy considering their stance against Eurozone debt sharing/bailouts. I think it is wise for them not to bail out Europe. They are a strong economic entity, all to their own, that could wield a certain amount of power and political swagger going into the rapture.

The Destiny Of Unbelievers

Published: July 2, 2012

I had a conversation the other day with a young man on the subject of our life span. I told him he would live forever as I would, but it would depend upon his acceptance or rejection of Christ as to where he would spend it. When he asked where I meant, I said either in Heaven or the Lake of Fire. He informed me that he had been to four different churches since he had moved here and they all said it would be separation from God. He said he was separated from God now and it did not bother him. And he is right. All the preachers I have heard in the last several years have described separation from God as the destiny for non Christians. Do you believe that unsaved ones will go to the Lake of Fire?

Will Russia Destroy Syria?

Published: July 1, 2012

In your opinion, could the destruction of Damascus come from Russia or Iran, and not Israel? After reading about Russia warning Syria to prepare for war, it does begin to seem highly likely doesn’t it?

The Fierce Leader Of Isaiah 19?

Published: June 29, 2012

Egypt’s newly elected leader Muhammed Mursi of the Muslim brotherhood is now in charge or shortly will be. Do you believe he may be the fierce leader spoken of by the prophet Isaiah? (Isaiah 19:4)

More On Post Rapture Believers

Published: June 26, 2012

My question is why do the saints ask “how long” in Rev 6:10 when the Bible specifies a 7 year tribulation period? And even breaks down the length in days? Wouldn’t the people who are martyred during this period know exactly how long is left until Jesus’ second coming.