Ask a Bible Teacher

Does God Know The Rapture Timing?

Published: September 15, 2011

My question concerns the verse in Romans that states the rapture will happen when the last Gentile is saved (my paraphrase) and thus it is a numbers based event not a specific day/hour event. I contend that there is a specific day/hour out there, perhaps very close now, known only to God. He isn’t delaying the rapture. He isn’t tarrying, and He can’t be hurried. It’s a specific day/hour that only He knows, but it’s out there.

As a follow up, there certainly are Jews coming to Messiah by faith these days, myself being one of them. So when the verse in Romans talks about the last Gentile coming to Jesus, what about Jews?

Elenin And The Earthquakes

Published: September 13, 2011

Be on the look out for another major earthquake on September 26-27 when Elenin is in alignment again with the Sun and Earth. When Elenin was aligned previously with the Sun and Earth, the Earth had major earthquakes: 2/27/10 – Chile; 9/1/10 – Christhchurch, New Zealand; and 3/11/11 – Japan. You can verify this on NASA’s website: Is it coincidental that the UN will be meeting/deciding at this same time (week of September 26) on establishing a Palestinian state?

Why Not Sept. 29?

Published: September 13, 2011

In your current article you seem to say the rapture can’t happen on Sept. 29. Couldn’t God arrange to have the full number of Gentiles come in by Sept. 29 to have the rapture happen on the Feast of Trumpets?

The Tower Of Babel

Published: September 10, 2011

Most scholars believe the Tower of Babel occurred around 4000 years ago. So how can we reconcile all the evidence that seems to show people lived all over the world for 10,000 years or more?

Restoring The Relationship

Published: September 8, 2011

I agree with OSAS, and I concur with the reasons you state. My question, therefore, is for clarification, not to be argumentative. If it is my sin nature, not I that offends after Salvation, why must I continue to confess and ask for forgiveness when I transgress? (I do, and I will continue, but I’m just curious about the logic.)

Why Did God Do That?

Published: September 7, 2011

I am a Christian who shared the Gospel with a co-worker and was he was not satisfied with my answer. His question is why God created & allows Satan to exist & cause so much pain, death & suffering, especially if He knew that he would do this. He is a Vietnam veteran ( Marines) who has seen much action. Would you please help me to learn the biblical truth to better answer his & anyone who asks me this question?

The Mustard Seed And The Birds

Published: September 5, 2011

A popular Bible teacher teaches that there is some prophetic significance in the Kingdom Parables i.e. the mustard tree is only normally 4 ft. high and for it to hold the birds of the air was a prophecy of the church falling into Roman Catholicism and getting abnormally large and harboring pagan practices. Can you explain this teaching with a little more detail? I didn’t quite follow it for all of the parables. Thanks so much for your patience.

More On The First Resurrection

Published: September 3, 2011

I’m hoping for a bit of clarification. Rev 20:5 states that the Tribulation Saints are part of the first resurrection, occurring after the second coming. Yet, if the dead in Christ are resurrected at the Rapture (1 Thes. 4:16), how is this not the first resurrection as it will occur at least 7 years earlier?

Can A Woman Conduct A Baptism?

Published: September 3, 2011

Thank you for this blessed site. It has greatly enriched my knowledge of the Bible. My question or rather a query is that can a woman baptize anyone? I recently came across a friend who said that a woman she knew baptized another woman. I find this Biblically incorrect for I have not come across this anywhere in Scripture. Can you answer this query for me?

Speak Peace To Jerusalem

Published: September 2, 2011

I was wondering if you could help me on a dilemma I am having. Since the bible already tells us the fate of Israel and its people, how do we word our prayers to God when we pray? Every night I say a prayer but I never quite know what to pray for. I always include Israel when I pray because I am so worried about the evil that is closing in on them. Any help you could give me on this would be greatly appreciated.