Will The Sun Go Out?
Published: July 26, 2011You replied to a reader’s question about Tribulation events concerning the sun, and said that the sun would go super nova which is what will scorch those on the earth during that time. When I read Psalm 72, part of which reads” He will endure as long as the sun, as long as the moon, through all generations”, this seems to contradict your sun dying scenario. If at some point all things will be burnt up on earth which I do believe, the timing of the sun scorching during the Tribulation seems out of sync. I definitely believe the New Jerusalem will light the earth, but can you explain why you think the sun will be totally destroyed?
Did Jesus Mention The Rapture?
Published: July 26, 2011I have always wondered if Jesus made an oblique reference to the Rapture during the Olivet Discourse in Mt. 24.28 and Luke 17:37. His statement about “where the body is, there the eagles gather” appears to be a direct reply to the disciples’ question about the whereabouts of the woman grinding grain who was taken (Lk 17.35). That verse’s parallel is ordered differently in Matthew (Mt 24.41), and no interjected question is mentioned, so the connection may be less apparent in Matthew. I have never been very satisfied with other explanations of Jesus’ remark about bodies and vultures, and I would like to think He was not totally silent about the Rapture in the Olivet context, even if He left it for Paul to tell us the mystery.
Are These Pastors Saved?
Published: July 25, 2011I have been studying the emergent/friendly seeker churches and the chrislam churches and what they are doing. The pastors who teach this tripe are certainly in trouble for teachers are judged more harshly. In Galatians 1:9 Paul said that anyone who preaches a different gospel from the one he preached let him be eternally condemned. Does this mean they can lose their salvation?
Fallen Angels, UFOs, And Tartatus
Published: July 25, 2011Re: Who Is Tempting Us? You confused me when you said the fallen angels are locked up but Satan has his demonic horde. I have been under the impression that UFOs are fallen angels, but always confused about Tartarus. Please help me with this.
Who Is Tempting Us?
Published: July 23, 2011If the fallen angels are locked up in Tartarus ready to be let out during the great tribulation, presumably when Satan is cast down to earth, who is tempting us now – apart from our own flesh and the world, which is bad enough!
Shortening the Days
Published: July 22, 2011When looking through Revelation, there’s a partial explanation to Matthew 24:22 (shortened the days). In Revelation 8:12 the fourth angel sounded his trumpet and a third part of the sun, moon, and stars were darkened so that their light did not shine for a third part of it. Now, in Revelation 16:8 the angel poured his vial (bowl) upon the sun allowing it to scorch men with great heat. Could this be what Jesus was referring to when he talked of the shortening of the days (not the period of time for the tribulation)?
More On The Dead In Christ
Published: July 22, 2011At the rapture the Word says that the dead in Christ rise first. If that is correct what happens to us when we die? Where do we go? Where are we if we need to wait to rise with Christ at the rapture?
Tribulation Believers And Temple Sacrifice
Published: July 21, 2011For many years Christians have assumed that all the post rapture believers will need to do is repent and confess Jesus as their savior, and avoid taking the mark of the beast. But is going to the Temple to offer sacrifices the 3rd element and without it they are woefully without hope?
Preaching The Gospel Before The End
Published: July 20, 2011Matt. 24:14 says, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” How will this happen? Could you elaborate?
Were They Saved?
Published: July 20, 2011When Jesus was dying on the cross He cried to his Father to “forgive them Father for they do not know what they do”. Are these people saved because of Jesus’ asking the Father to forgive them?