Ask a Bible Teacher

Is That You Lord? Follow Up

Published: April 21, 2008

I have a question regarding your response to “Is that you Lord”

Christianity always speaks of “a personal relationship with Jesus”. To me a relationship means a two way communication or two way intimacy. But when we pray, we wait for “something” to happen and try to interpret. To me this seems equivalent to a witch doctor reading animal intestines for a message … both are hoping for a sign and hoping to be able to read it (and both assume they read it correctly). This “he wants us to see what we’ll do” can also be a cop out for not getting any assistance.

In this personal relationship, it seems a one way street?

I guess my ultimate question is, why a lot of the time there has to be guess work in whether your prayer is being answered when prayer is supposed to be a powerful form of communication with God?

One Battle Or Two?

Published: April 17, 2008

I agree with you on Ezekiel 38 and 39 regarding it happening before the tribulation. However, the bible study leader at church disagrees with me and pointed me to Revelation 20 vs. 6 and 7. In some translations this shows a Gog and Magog war to occur after the millennium reign of Christ. Are we looking at two separate instances of a war of this type or are we looking at the same war?

Still More On Spare The Rod

Published: April 17, 2008

God Bless you for your article about spanking. It’s such a blessing.

My husband was brought up by a “Christian” mother who would whip him with a belt for not wanting to go to church. Is it any wonder that he not only rejects going to church but rejected God Himself for many years? As his wife I have to really be careful in my Christian walk. If I get “too involved” in my church (like his mother did) then I risk turning him away from God again.

I was raised by a non-Christian mother who used threats, hitting, slapping, spanking and such to keep me in line. I am ashamed that I (on a smaller scale) have fallen into that type of behavior myself. I have prayed to the Lord to save my daughter from myself – if anything I do or say interferes with her salvation – take me out. I do not want her to rebel against God by rebelling against me like my husband did with his mother.

Your article has been such a help and I’ve apologized to her and to God. I’ve always prayed that God would help me to be a more godly wife and mother. Your article is a God-send.

Healing Amputees, Follow Up

Published: April 15, 2008

The topic of healing is something I’ve been thinking of for a long time. I don’t have a problem believing God “can” do it. I have a problem believing he “will” do it. What are the true elements of faith? Its one thing to believe God can, but is it being presumptuous to believe God “is” going to heal? Isn’t that like saying God HAS to do what I ask, just because I believe he’s going to? Who am I to tell God what he’s going to do?

What is it the Lord requires from us to answer prayers for healing? He doesn’t need anything. He can do it whether we believe he will heal completely or not – even if it is replacing missing teeth or limb.

I have major health issues and doctors can’t figure out what’s wrong. I believe God can heal me. I just can’t allow myself to believe he’s “going” to heal me because I think I’m telling him what to do. I agree with you in that the problem lies with me. I just don’t know how to fix it and I’m sick of being sick.

Healing Amputees

Published: April 14, 2008

I came across a website and I found it discouraging as the question came about … Why doesn’t a loving God answer the prayers and heal an amputees (either legs or arms, etc.) when they are prayed for specifically?

Unfortunately this site claimed that God is discriminative towards the prayers of amputees and asks why a loving God would do so? As I said, I found this very discouraging, yet I still cling to Jesus and know, by faith, that God is good and that he is all-powerful and all-knowing… and I don’t question what He does, because He knows exactly what He is doing, and so freely gives His Love even though we are undeserving… Our God is an awesome God! Thank you for you time and God Bless you!

Death, The Ultimate Healing

Published: April 14, 2008

My name is Shirley. I am a born again believer. I read on your website once where you said that death was the ultimate healing in a way for Christians. I suppose it is.

What about suicide? I don’t think I can do it, but I can’t take the life I’m living much longer. It would be different if there was some love in my life, but there isn’t. I hear the Lord speak to me and I know He loves me, but in my material, tangible life here and now, there is nothing but heartache, fear, and dread. It doesn’t change. I have believed for many years it would. I don’t think I can face another day without some kind of hope for here and now. Some kind of strengthening of my love for the Lord and I need more faith. But it alludes me now. No joy left. Husband abusive and so very ill…nothing I can do to help anymore.

Please, please, remember me in your prayers. Thank you for all the beautiful things you have written. I have enjoyed your website.

OSAS And Assemblies Of God

Published: April 14, 2008

I believe that salvation is a free gift from God and that once we put our faith in Jesus that we are saved forever according to the Bible. Not because of anything we have done, but because of who God is and what He’s done. I attend an Assembly of God church and their position and the Pastor’s is that you can give your salvation back by continuing in sin or stop believing. My question is this, should a person stay at a church that opposes eternal security? Thank you for all you do and God bless you!

Women In Ministry Follow Up

Published: April 10, 2008

I really appreciate your teachings and enjoy hearing your biblical insights on the many questions people ask you. Now I would be pleased to hear what you think about my situation.

I’ve been in a situation over the years where I’ve had the opportunity to teach. Mostly because I’ve been more familiar with the biblical material than many of my male counterparts. I believe that even though I was the one doing the teaching I was in no way in a position of authority over the few men I taught. I also home schooled my three grown sons spiritually and academically.

Now, I find out this is some form of heresy. The scripture quoted to me is I Timothy 2:11-15 and to question this is to question God himself. What is so incredible to me is that Timothy was taught spiritually by his mother and grandmother. While I believe this is a rule that should be followed and that men should be our leaders especially in spiritual matters, I can find several exceptions IN the bible where women lead and teach men.

The scripture in Timothy has been used to keep women from teaching for a long time. And I can accept this if asked. But I have to wonder, Where are the men and why aren’t they teaching?? And, if they refuse, are uninformed or undereducated in biblical teaching does this scripture really absolved women of any responsibility to teach??? I find this situation hard to believe. I would love to hear your thoughts. I would hope I haven’t committed a heresy of some sort.

The Seal For The 144,000

Published: April 9, 2008

Is the seal on the foreheads of the Jewish evangelists the same Spirit of grace with which each member of the Church is sealed at the moment of their salvation?

Salvation For Demons

Published: April 9, 2008

I’ve searched your archives to answer the question as to whether or not demons can be forgiven if they ask for it and I can’t find it.

I was discussing this with an officer at work and he believes that there will be demons that will repent and be saved. I told him there isn’t any biblical reference to this but that most likely they’re more hardened then ever but I don’t know if there is any particular Scripture that addresses this. What do you think?