Where Did They Sprinkle The Blood?
Published: November 30, 2023I’ve been listening to your teaching on the Book of Mark and find it fascinating. A big question though, you say that part of the ritual once a year was the sprinkling of blood on the Mercy Seat in the Holy of Holies. The ark of the covenant was not in the temple during the time of Jesus so where did they sprinkle the blood? How did they complete their required sin offerings and sacrifices? In your teaching, you say that the last thing that Jesus had to do was sprinkle his blood on the mercy seat at the throne of God where the real arc is. Everything in heaven is real and on earth a shadow or copy of that in heaven. Could you expound on this more?
Pleasing God And Pleasing Men
Published: November 29, 2023In Romans 15:1-3, Paul tells us to please others, preferably our neighbor, for their own good. He then goes on to say that Jesus Christ did not come on this earth to please himself at all. However, in Galatians 1:10, Paul said that if were to please men, he would not be a servant of God. When comparing these two verses together, what do they mean? Are we to please God or please others?
Struggling With Salvation
Published: November 29, 2023I am struggling with thoughts about my salvation. I accepted Jesus when I was young. I fell away many times and always came back to him. Did I desensitize myself to the Holy Spirit? I feel cold and uncaring.
What Does John 9:4 Mean?
Published: November 29, 2023Re. John 9:4. What does Jesus mean when he says that the night is coming when no man can work? Did it come then? Or is it for this time?
Does God Make Us Sick?
Published: November 28, 2023I know someone who says she has a deliverance ministry. She says that all sicknesses and diseases are from un-repented ‘sins’ in us! She believes if you repent enough (asking God to show you all the sins connected with a particular sickness/disease) and you repent that you eventually get deliverance and healed from those problems! She says that God puts and uses these diseases and sickness so we will repent and be made pure and perfect, so on the Day, we will be able to stand before The Lord! My question to you is: Does God put these sickness and diseases on us?
Adding To Or Subtracting From God’s Word
Published: November 28, 2023I much enjoy your insight of the Bible and I have a question adding to and/or taking away from the Word of God. Duet. 4:2 and Proverbs 30:6 warn against this. Rev. 22:18,19 speaks of the consequences of adding to or taking away from “the words of the prophecy of this book” and the resulting punishment in so doing.
Will I Be Left Behind Because Of My Habits?
Published: November 27, 2023I am a believer. I was raised in a Christian home and have a very passionate belief in Christ and God’s grace. I’m not ashamed of Jesus, nor would I ever deny Him under any circumstance. However, at a young age I chose the profession of bar tending and as I get older I wonder how the Lord may view this. Also, I have developed some tough habits to break over the years that I know aren’t pleasing to God, like drinking and drug use. Will this keep me out of the promise that other believers are going to receive? Will I be left behind? I do feel conviction at times, but i also feel like I am a complex person that isn’t defined by those things viewed as wrong by others.
Did Enoch Prophesy The Rapture?
Published: November 27, 2023In the epistle of Jude, Chapter 1, Verses 14 &15, (KJV) he mentions a prophecy of Enoch dealing with the return of the Lord accompanied by ten thousands of His saints to execute judgment upon all. Since those saints had to be in Heaven in order to accompany the Lord back to earth, isn’t this a prophecy describing the end of the Rapture period of the Church in Heaven and the Second Coming of Christ?
Why Are We Fractured?
Published: November 27, 2023I have been perplexed for some time now about the controversies that rage within the Body of Christ these days. There are large groups who hold views that other large groups claim are apostate. How can we all be led by the same Spirit in so many conflicting ways? Why is the discernment in one believer so different from the discernment in another? Why is there not a consensus amongst the Body of Christ?
Scars And Amputations In Heaven?
Published: November 24, 2023Based on my interpretation of Matt 18:8-9, Mark 9:43-45 and John 20:25-27 I’ve concluded that our so-called incorruptible/glorified body will bear all the scars and amputations of our fleshly body. What do you think?