Witnesses Or Servants?
Published: October 16, 2023My dad is a faithful believer who has end-stage bone cancer. He has always held to a mid-tribulation rapture theology, but lately that view has become a source of torment, as he contemplates leaving his loved ones behind to the cruel persecution of believers that he foresees. I have tried to comfort him with your articles teaching about a pre-trib rapture and he has actually come close to seeing your point of view a few times. His only remaining problem concerns the 144,000. He doesn’t believe people will be getting saved by grace after the rapture, so why do we call the 144,000 “witnesses” especially when the Bible never calls them that? This is no big deal to me, but I’d sure like an answer for my dad. Why do we call them witnesses anyway?
Does Daniel 12 Tell Us The Day?
Published: October 13, 2023You have said that people on earth during the tribulation will not know exactly when the Second Coming will take place [” … the Lord clearly said that believers on Earth at the time will not know the day or hour of the 2nd Coming.” (Matt. 24:42-44, Matt. 24:50, Matt 25:13)]. But doesn’t Daniel 12:11-12 give us the day for Jesus’ return?
“From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days. Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days.”
Are Being Saved And Born Again The Same?
Published: October 13, 2023Is being saved and born again the same thing? I was saved when I was just a little girl but born again at 43. My husband was saved at 14 but I don’t believe he is born again. In your answer to the woman whose sister is gay and wants to know if she will be raptured you said if she is born again she will be raptured just like the rest of us who are born again. Also, you say once saved always saved. This is what I’ve come to know as a born again Christian. Are people who are saved but not born again going to be raptured? Or just born again Christians?
Is The Church Bound By Jewish Feasts?
Published: October 13, 2023Is the Church bound by Jewish Feast Days? When it comes to Prophecy, can the Rapture really be just any old day? Pentecost and Feast of Trumpets are the 2 most popular Feasts that most Experts debate over.
I love Feast Days because it allows believers a target to anticipate for the Rapture. Jesus says “I come at an hour you think not.” Some say that means Christ’s Appearing on a Sabbath which the Jews would never allow. Could it just mean He is coming just any old day out of the blue?
Do Protestants Have Sacraments?
Published: October 12, 2023I never heard any church but the Catholic church use the word ‘sacraments’. Are there sacraments in the Protestant church too?
Was It His Choice To Die For Us?
Published: October 12, 2023I was recently reading about Jesus praying for God to “save him, deliver him” and almost begging. Yet in one of your articles, I recently read you mentioned that Jesus had scores of angels at his disposal and all he had to do was call on them and the whole thing would come to an end. In other words, he didn’t have to do this, but he chose to. Yet, while He was praying to be delivered it seemed like God didn’t answer. What was really going on?
Does The Lord Owe Us 10 Days?
Published: October 12, 2023Acts 1:3 clearly says Jesus appeared for 40 days after the resurrection. Recently we heard a teacher say it means Pentecost is the only unfulfilled feast & God somehow “owes” us 10 days ( as Pentecost means 50). Then he said that Jesus will appear for 10 days prior to the rapture to fulfill this feast. This we do not agree with, but where does the 50 in Pentecost come from if Jesus only appeared for 40 days?
How Can We Know That Prophecies Are Real?
Published: October 11, 2023How do I show somebody with a limited knowledge of the Bible that the prophecies it contains are real and are an important part of scripture (I understand it to comprise between 28-30% of scripture depending on who you ask), and that the whole point of God speaking through His prophets was to give us insight into events to come and not just confuse us?
Questions About Nations
Published: October 11, 2023In the Bible when it talks about all the nations of the earth will turn against Israel, is that the nations known at the time or literally every nation. If literal what does the Lord mean when He says He will separate the Sheep from the goats, which seems to be a reference to nations.
Supporting Conditional Security With Scripture?
Published: October 11, 2023I came across a website that opposes Eternal Security. The author has a lot to say and has scripture references to back up everything he says. I’d like to know what you think and maybe point out anything wrong with his opinion. I am really beginning to doubt the OSAS doctrine and honestly question why the Gospel is even called the Good news.