Come see glimpses from our Sunday service, and how we pack up groceries for all the families!

A recap of all our featured posts this week. Catch up on the Q&A, the daily Psalms, and articles. This week, we featured Are We Hedging Our Bets? and Amazing Grace.

Pray with us over this new year.

When we had our Christmas service at our church, we knew we couldn’t set the stage or put on the play our kids love to do each year. It would draw too much attention during lockdown. But now with our prayer house complete, we have a new space to celebrate!

We finished the Christmas season with more groceries, gifts, and love for those we serve.

A recap of all our featured posts this week. Catch up on the Q&A, the daily Psalms, and articles. This week, we featured The Faith To Walk On Water and The Strangest Miracle.

I intended this to be a quick highlight reel of the year, to go alongside the rest of the Christmas outreach posts. But as I looked back, it became clear I need to walk us back through the year thoughtfully showing the theme of God’s faithfulness throughout.

I still have all the rest of the Christmas outreach pics to share too!

What an amazing year it’s been. This week we had our Christmas Service and continued finishing our prayer house!

A recap of all our featured posts this week. Catch up on the Q&A, the daily Psalms, and articles. This week, we featured Names of Jesus: The Good Shepherd, Names of Jesus: The Gate, Names of Jesus: Immanuel, and A Shepherd’s Story.

Groceries for families in need and our Christmas party with our Escualita!