Happy New Year! Rosh Hashanna began last night, and I don’t know about you, but I could really use a new start and a new year! September has always felt like a new beginning to me, even before knowing the connection to the birth of Jesus and the Jewish New Year.

Baby checkups for healthy babies, Sunday services, and our new school classes during COVID. God is faithful in every circumstance and every season.

Last week we prepared grocery bags to last a full month for the refugees we serve. This week we were able to deliver them!

It’s incredible to see that everywhere we serve,  kids are kids! In poverty and lack, they smile and run and laugh. None of the weight of the adults in on their shoulders.

Hello everyone! After arriving back in Mexico, finally, after months of being stuck on the other side of the border due to COVID, I returned to help my parents. And, with wildfires and a pandemic, things took much longer than anticipated. But we drove through the night, arrived at 4 am local time and I’m so excited to share with you our outreaches last week!

I’m excited to share with you our week in India! School classes and Sunday services. Our new normal in our villages. We can now hold limited Sunday services, at multiple locations in groups that are already quarantined together. It’s a small beginning to return to worshipping and fellowshipping together.

A recap of all our featured posts this week. Catch up on the Q&A, the daily Psalms, and articles. This week, we featured A New Race of Human… A Commentary on Ephesians, Part 2, and Part 3.

We need prayer for the families of our new village. Because lockdown is easing, they have to leave this area. The land is where they were allowed to stay temporarily. This outreach is the last we’ll have with them here. Next week they’ll have dispersed and we’ll have to see if we can find where they will end up!

Two praises for our two babies in the hospital. Thank you all so much for praying!

A recap of all our featured posts this week. Catch up on the Q&A, the daily Psalms, and articles. This week, we featured Jesus And Peter and A New Race of Human. A Commentary on Ephesians, Pt. 1.

We are starting to see what it’ll look like slowly coming out of quarantine. We’re helping our small businesses restart and we’re proving school classes for the kids.