Flooding: This week in India 9-10-22

There is severe flooding in the area, and our village has been evacuated. While they were being evacuated, Roza went into labor and delivered in her hut! Please pray for our group here. See more in the post below:
Quick links to the other parts this week:
Going through the week’s photos is like stepping back into time. We began with some rain, and everyone sheltered in the prayer house, where we prayed and thanked God that we had gotten the roof on in time! Then we prayed for the hut coverings to repair the huts that were leaking and we got them! They were just delivered when the worst of the storm began.
Last year was a slow-motion day-by-day prayer for them not to be evacuated. This year it happened in an instant. The flood waters came, and we needed to get everyone out. I think the urgency helped in this situation. We appealed to the local government school and because of the urgency they said we could stay the night! But not more. But each day they have agreed to another night! In the day, our group spends time in the prayer house cooking and praying together. The kids are in our rented room doing school. And at night everyone returns to the local school to sleep. They continue to have a feeling of great peace and a sense of expectation. We are praying for whatever the Lord has in store next!
I’ll give you a look at where we’re at now, and then I’ll share the before during the week.
Flooding and Evacuation
In all this, we have so many praises! Everyone is safe and dry and we have a new member of the village who arrived healthy! Our volunteer says to be sure to communicate with you all how grateful they are for your prayers and to share how amazing it was that during all this there was a tremendous peace over the whole group. He said no one was crying or fearful. Not the adults, not the kids. That everyone had a peace that it would be ok. They see and are experiencing God taking care of them and providing for them.
Pray with us for their continued safety and health and for their homes. And we continue to pray for God’s longterm answer to their housing needs! We know He has good things in store.
We got a trailer to take everyone to the school for shelter!
Roza and Gopi’s new baby!
We took them all to the hospital after the baby was born to make sure both mom and baby are healthy.
Many of you prayed for them (that’s them below!) when their first baby was born premature.
Our group’s first night sleeping at the school
Now that you know where we are now, we can look back over the week before the evacuation!
Before the flooding, Laxmi had her next follow up. Her doctor is so pleased with her progress!
The beginning: rain in the village
Before evacuation, they all gathered in the prayer house for prayer and cooking and eating. This was the most secure shelter in the storm.
We prayed for these tarps! And we’ll install them as soon as they can be back in their huts.
Our Sunday Service
Our first service back in the prayer house in a long time. We got the roof replaced just in time for one service and the flooding. Without it, the families wouldn’t have had a place to shelter when their huts began leaking, and now even in the flooding, we gather back here to cook during the day.
Sunday School
School classes
Our teacher has typhoid
Our teacher below is sick with typhoid! Please pray with us for her recovery. We’ve got her the medicine she needs, and the doctor said she needs to recover at home in bed for two weeks. Thank you for praying!
And that’s our week! We continue to pray for the rescue of the prayer house village from all that opposes them. Thank you so much for praying with us!
See the other parts this week:
Thank you for your love, and your prayers for those we serve around the world! It’s absolutely amazing what happens when we come together and follow the Lord’s leading. I’m beyond grateful for you all!
If you’d like to see more than we can share here, email me for access.
Thank you for keeping us, this ministry, and our outreaches in prayer, and thank you for your support! We couldn’t do any of this without you.
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God bless you!
♥ Samantha