Update on Miranda 5-10-23

Thank you for praying for little Miranda! Her latest eye surgery in the US was a success and she’s already back home recovering!
We first introduced you to Miranda (below, left, seen here with her twin sister )back in 2017 when she needed her first eye surgery (you can see more about that here).
She had three surgeries between 2017 and 2019 with follow-ups every six months. Then for the past couple of years, the follow-ups have been farther apart. But then she lost control of the eye again and she needed what they hope is the last of the surgeries. She was so little before she doesn’t remember any of the previous surgeries so she was very nervous going into this one.
The first plan was for her to be checked into the hospital on Thursday for pre op testing and the surgery early Saturday morning. When they checked her in last Thursday, she was so nervous her blood pressure was too high. So they sent her back to the hotel with her parents, hoping it would help her be less nervous going into the surgery. That left them with a free day on Friday and we didn’t want her sitting in the hotel all day feeling scared. So thanks to some generous friends, they got to spend the day at the zoo! ♥
The zoo was the perfect thing to take all of their minds off the surgery and tire them out for the day!
The next morning they needed to be up early to check into the hospital at 4 am.
And two hours later, she was out of surgery and in recovery! They gave her a popsicle as she was coming out of anesthesia telling her she was so brave!
And by lunchtime she was back to finish recuperating at the hotel with her parents!
And then she was soon crashed out for the evening.
The next morning they returned to the hospital for one final check and they cleared her to come back home! She needs to have the good eye patched for two hours each day until their next check up in September.
Thank you so much for your prayers and support for this sweet family! They all send their gratitude and love to all of you. It’s amazing what the Body of Christ can do from all around the world for each other. ♥
See the other parts this week:
Thank you for your love, and your prayers for those we serve around the world! It’s absolutely amazing what happens when we come together and follow the Lord’s leading. I’m beyond grateful for you all!
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Thank you for keeping us, this ministry, and our outreaches in prayer, and thank you for your support! We couldn’t do any of this without you.
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God bless you!
♥ Samantha