Update on Shilpa 3-19-22

Shilpa, one of our moms in India, is suffering from leprosy. We’ve been praying for her and it’s been a long slow road of treatment. I think our first prayer request post for her was here in February of last year. We have great news!
We were able to get Shilpa admitted into a special treatment center for those with leprosy! Instead of going once a week to get medicine and her wounds treated, she has around-the-clock care. We’re praying that this extra care will allow her to heal fully from this terrible disease. ♥ In the meantime, her husband and mother-in-law are taking care of the kids and praying hard for her recovery.
Thank you for praying with us for Shilpa!
Quick links to the other blog posts this week:
Thank you for your prayers!
♥ Samantha