Week in review July 28 2018

Our outreaches continue in India and Mexico! And on the site, as always, we’re learning the Word. Continue reading for photos from our outreaches this week as well as a recap of all the posts on the site.
Here’s a sneak peek of something we’ve been working on. In India, we’ve been praying and planning to help the families in our church have reliable, safe work. Many labor in the rock fields, and cutting apart large rocks in dangerous construction areas to be hauled away. Some have been able to sell small items and fruits and vegetables door to door. Thanks to generous donors, we are beginning to find the things that will help!
Below are push carts we were able to buy for three of the women. Our goal is to help all in the tribe, beginning with the most urgent needs. Because these retail for $250 dollars each, they are something a person from the lowest caste could never afford. We were able to get a discount for buying three and they lowered the price to $150!
These carts are set up like little storefronts (often called kiosks in the US) and help legitimize the women in their work. They will no longer need to carry bags of small items door to door. It’s wonderful that $150 can forever change someone’s life, giving them the ability to make a living in a safe, dignified manner. I’m so grateful! Please pray with us for these ladies and their new businesses.
For comparison, here is a photo from a previous week showing how they carried several bags to sell door to door before.
We also gave rice to each family in our Church in India, along with soaps and other personal hygiene items, a vitamin tonic.
This week we were able to visit the preschool little Joel is now attending! Please continue to pray for all our kids in school.
More scenes from our Children’s Church:
It’s amazing the transformation in these people in a year. Last week I shared a photo of little Joel when we met him last year and now. We were able to get him the surgery he needed and make sure he and his mom have enough food and clean water to stay healthy.
The whole tribe has also transformed in this first year of our little church. They have gone from being outcast and discarded, to a people full of dignity who know their worth in Jesus. Praise the Lord!
Little Joel was so excited to share his very first memory verse. He was able to memorize the first part of John 3:16. We are so proud of him and so grateful for how far he has come since his brain surgery!
Saara had jumped up to help him finish the verse, but he wanted to do it all by himself.
Thank you for keeping us, this ministry and our outreaches in prayer, and thank you for your support! We couldn’t do any of this without you.
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God bless you!
♥ Samantha
Here’s a recap of this week’s featured posts, in case you missed any:
Commentary on the Psalms
- Breaking Bread
- Three In One
- Did Elijah Go To Heaven Before Jesus?
- My Cousin Was Murdered
- Why Does God Need Guards?
- A Question About Ezekiel 39:2
- Questions On The Law
- The Sacrifice Of Isaac
- The Son Of Man
- The Deaths Of Ananias And Sapphira
- How Many Temple Cleansings Were There?
- Levels Of Interpretation
- Simon The Leper and Simon The Pharisee
- Giving In Secret
- The Book Of Life