Week in review November 9 2019

This week, we are praying for those affected by cyclone Bulbul, threatening the West Bengal coast. On the site, we began Jack’s study on Malachi, with Part 1 and Part 2 Our outreaches continue in Mexico and India!
First, Cyclone Bulbul is threatening the West Bengal coast. There are many people we serve in this area, and we pray for all affected by this storm. Please join us in praying for the storm to dissipate and for lives and homes to be spared.
Village Outreach
This is the village that previously lived in fear of their neighbors. These neighbors saw this tribe of outcasts being blessed by God and were threatened by it. It threatened their culture, their theology, their way of doing things. For their theology states that these people of the lowest caste are receiving the punishment for wrong they’ve done in previous lives. With this theology, there is no room for love and compassion for them. And so these neighbors began intimidating this tribe into staying home on Sundays.
These neighbors see Christianity as an undeserved release from their sin and shame. And they are right! But it’s a release available to all, the rich and the poor, the high born and the low! We’ve been praying for them ever since, and the intimidation has stopped. Now we are praying for them to know the love, freedom, and kindness of Jesus.
Each week, one of our volunteer couples travels to this tribe, and they have, essentially, a small worship service. They pray and sing and read the Bible together. Each week, these volunteers bless them and show them that they are not cursed, but favored by God. That they are a new creation in Christ and are co-heirs in Jesus. In their culture, they are the lowest, but in the upside-down Kingdom, they are royalty. I pray that the power and love of the Lord released in these meetings will spread through the land to these neighbors.
Scenes from our Sunday Service
I’m so excited to share with you a peek into our week here!
Each week, the kids excitedly jump up to share their memory verses. It’s become a fun competition with them, but they each encourage each other and help prompt the words when any of them forget.

Prayer and Sunday School Classes
The three ladies were sick in the hospital last week, but all are out and recovered. Thank you Jesus!
We got new Bible story sheets for the kids this week. Here our volunteers are going through them and planning.
Our Fellowship Lunch
Vitamin Tonic and Toiletries
When we had recently met the tribe that began these our work in this area, several of the kids needed treatment at the hospital. The doctors there explained that many of the illnesses were from malnutrition. They recommended this vitamin tonic, and we make sure each child gets a bottle every month, along with personal hygiene items.
Scenes from our kids’ group in Mexico this week.
We provide a safe space for the kids in our area who would be home alone after school and on weekends. They affectionately call it their “little school” or escualita.
Thank you for your love, your prayers for those we serve around the world!
If you’d like to see more than we can share here, email me for access.
Thank you for keeping us, this ministry and our outreaches in prayer, and thank you for your support! We couldn’t do any of this without you.
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God bless you!
♥ Samantha
Here’s a recap of this week’s featured posts, in case you missed any:
Commentary on the Psalms
- Who Are The Four Horsemen?
- What Does The Bible Really Say?
- Who Is In Charge Here?
- Denying Christ Through Torture
- Living A Quiet Life
- Same Crowns For Anti-Christ and Elders?
- Do We Have Our Own Personal Demons?
- Storing Up For The Coming Hard Times
- 120 Year Life Span?
- How Many Tribes Are There, Really?
- Flesh And Blood And The Kingdom Of God
- More On Coming Like A Thief
- This Christian Walked Into A Synagogue
- Life, Liberty, And The Pursuit Of Happiness
- Explaining Heaven