Week in review September 23 2017 – End of the World?

We’ve gotten many emails this week from people worried that today, September 23, will be either the Rapture or the end of the world. To some extent, this comes up every year on Rosh Hashanah. Six years ago, the fear was great and Jack posted a great article addressing this.
Here’s an excerpt:
“So how could an idea like this one become so easily accepted by so many? It’s because as a Church we are a people of zeal without knowledge. For several generations now our leaders have consistently misinformed and misled us and we’ve been too lazy to search the Scriptures on our own to see if the things they’re teaching us about the End Times are true.”
How to have both zeal and knowledge
- The article mentioned above is a great overview of Revelation 12, and how to be on guard against the fear mongering that comes around each year.
- When you’re ready to move on to more in-depth study, begin with Jack’s “7 Things” series. Jack has a three-part article, an entire book, and audio series on this (both on our site and on YouTube). It contains the 7 Things You Have to Know to Understand End Times Prophecy. And it’s amazing.
- From there, you’ll be ready for one of Jack’s studies on the Book of Revelation. You can read it verse by verse with him in either his 16 part articles series or this free ebook: Understanding Revelation.
While many in the first-world have been worried about the above topics, we’ve also been ministering to the third world with food, care, and the love of Jesus. Here are some pics from this week:
Generous donors sent some extras for little Joel. Thank you! We were able to give large bags of rice, and other staples, a special vitamin drink to help him heal and clothes. The Lord especially loves to provide for the widows and the fatherless!
Joel is finally feeling well enough for his personality to shine. I’ve known so many four-year-olds who’ve made this face when asked to smile for one more picture!
Scenes from our Children’s Church in India!
The Lord has been blessing this outreach abundantly! What started as a small children’s gathering is turning into a full, family church! It’s growing so fast! We are praying about adding another service mid-week and having our volunteer step into a more active pastoring role for our people here. Please join us in prayer!
I’m so grateful for your prayers, support, and encouragement that enables us to do all of this. Thank you for your support that changes so many lives!
We’re still posting more of Jack’s audio studies to YouTube! You can visit our channel there to see what’s available now and subscribe to our YouTube channel to be notified of new ones. Look for more in the coming week.
As always, email or fill out our Contact form with questions, feedback, and suggestions.
Happy weekend and may the Lord richly bless you!
Here’s a recap of this week’s featured posts, in case you missed any:
Commentary on the Psalms
- The Feast Of Trumpets And The Second Coming
- Kings And Priests
- The Rapture And The Feast Of Trumpets
- More On The 24 Elders Of Rev. 4
- Do Angels Draw Strength From Us?
- Which Is The Fall Feast Of The 2nd Coming?
- Another Rosh Hashanah Rapture Question
- Luke Warm And Little Strength
- Symbolic Use Of Numbers In The Bible
- Fulfilling The Fall Feasts
- Purifying The Church By Fire?
- Is The Church Bound By Jewish Feasts?
- Living In God’s Strength
- More On The Meaning Of Repentance