Week in review September 30 2017

This week, our outreaches in Mexico and India continue to be blessed! We’re in the middle of the Fall Feasts, learning about them and what they mean for us. Continue reading for photos from our outreaches this week as well as a recap of all the featured posts on the site.
We’ve been holding weekend outreaches for the kids in the area. They get to keep the friendships they made during our summer outreaches and be reminded how much the Lord loves them!
In our Children’s Church in India, many come to the services to be prayed for!
This new mom brought her baby in to be prayed over and dedicated to the Lord! When she came in, she said, “Pastor, I want to give my baby to Jesus.” They are still amazed they are loved by the Creator of the Universe. That they are children of a God who loves them more than they can imagine. Amen!
The Lord is blessing this outreach abundantly! Thank you for joining us in prayer over them! This week we had 15 new children show up.
There’s a need for a nursery school for all the little ones during the week. Please pray with us about this!
We’re so excited to see what the Lord is doing here! He is pouring out His blessing on this outreach and growing it and the people. We have watched the children grow in the love of the Lord, and go home to tell their parents about Jesus. What began with just the kids, now has many of the parents joining too.
Please pray that we follow His leading as this Church grows and expands. We’re especially excited for the coming holiday season to celebrate with them. This will be the first Christmas for them as believers!
Joel was excited to wear his new clothes this week!
I’m so grateful for your prayers, support, and encouragement that enables us to do all of this. Thank you for your support that changes so many lives!
We’re still posting more of Jack’s audio studies to YouTube! You can visit our channel there to see what’s available now and subscribe to our YouTube channel to be notified of new ones. Look for more in the coming week.
As always, email or fill out our Contact form with questions, feedback, and suggestions.
Happy weekend and may the Lord richly bless you!
Here’s a recap of this week’s featured posts, in case you missed any:
Commentary on the Psalms
- What Every One Should Know
- The Levitical Feasts And Prophecy
- Please Help Me
- Partial Rapture Theories
- God Our Healer Follow Up
- My Grace Is Sufficient, Follow Up
- An Illustration of James 1:15
- Was Paul The Apostle To The Gentiles?
- More On The Rapture And The Feast Of Trumpets
- How Can They Ignore Prophecy?
- What Does God Expect?
- A Thorn In The Flesh
- They Will Not Taste Death
- Who Is Modern Day Israel?
- Why Was Paul Still Keeping The Law?