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You searched for: OSAS
OSAS And Exodus 32:33
Published: May 13, 2012 (Originally published: May 12, 2012)I highly appreciate your views to every question thrown upon you. In this regard, I would like also to have clear explanation regarding Exodus 32:30-33, most especially in verse 33, which says, ” The LORD said to Moses, “Whoever has sinned against Me, I will blot him out of My book. How do you relate this verse to OSAS? I am a born again christian and I believe on OSAS, but there are times when I sin. Does that mean that whenever I commit a sin, my name is blotted out from the book of life, and when I repent it will be written again? Please explain.
OSAS And The Full Number
Published: December 9, 2013 (Originally published: December 10, 2013)Until just yesterday, I struggled with believing we could not lose, nor walk away from, our salvation. I was sitting at work and it dawned on me that we have a number that has to be fulfilled prior to the rapture. If OSAS isn’t true, that number could never possibly be hit as I see more and more people walking away from true Christianity due to apostate churches. Am I in-line in my thoughts? I know other countries are having success with evangelizing, but in our own nation, the numbers would be dwindling rapidly, possibly enough to balance out new people coming to Christ, making the number incredibly difficult to achieve. I feel like this may be the “proof” I needed of OSAS. Thoughts?
OSAS And Romans 8:6,13
Published: August 14, 2024 (Originally published: January 6, 2015)I believe in OSAS, as the Bible clearly teaches it. However, I am finding more and more people (especially in my bible study group) using different scriptures to counter OSAS, which does not make sense to me. The most common one I have seen used is Romans 8:6 and 13 where Paul speaks of the fleshly mind is death (physical and spiritual) and that whoever lives according to the flesh will die spiritually, but whoever lives according to the spirit will live. How does this relate to believers?
OSAS that Isn’t Really OSAS Follow Up
Published: June 24, 2022 (Originally published: June 8, 2008)Thank you for your wonderful site and the effort and Christian care you put into it.
But now I am confused about the OSAS answer you gave to the recent question posted about that. I always thought that if a person does not experience the conviction of the Holy Spirit about their ongoing sins after saying the prayer that maybe they said it flippantly and did not really mean it.
Of course I know that it’s not up to me to determine whether they meant it or not – that’s God’s job as he sees the heart and we can’t. But it seems as if there is no change in behavior or consciousness, that there is little evidence that they truly have been saved. Please help.
OSAS And Romans 11
Published: August 23, 2024 (Originally published: June 1, 2007)Thank you so much for your website and ministry to the Lord. It is definitely a blessing from God.
I believe once saved, always saved, and I’ve read your comments concerning the same. I think you do a wonderful job explaining OSAS in them.
The one thing that came to my mind when reading them though, and I didn’t see any comments on, but maybe I just missed it, was how Romans 11:17-24 plays into OSAS, if at all. Could and would you please shed some light on this for me?
OSAS Believe It Or Not
Published: July 29, 2022 (Originally published: July 15, 2013)I love your site and have found it very helpful, however, I have a question. I am a born-again Christian and I believe in OSAS, but lately, I’ve been having a very difficult time accepting it for me. I understand that Jesus died for all of our sins, and all those who believe in him will be saved and that salvation can come only through faith. But at the same time, I often feel as if my own personal sins will somehow leave me exempt from that. No matter how much evidence I read I just can’t seem to accept the fact that I am saved, and still feel as though I need to earn it and that if I commit sins I will somehow forfeit my salvation.
More On OSAS And Galatians 5
Published: February 10, 2014 (Originally published: February 10, 2014)I have always believed in OSAS. but, how do we mesh OSAS with what Paul says in Galatians 5:19-21? I have 3 adult children who all profess to be saved but all are committing fornication I guess. They all seem dedicated to their mate but there is no marriage for any of them. Paul seems pretty definite when he says here that none of them who are involved in sexual immorality will ever see the kingdom of God.
OSAS And Matt. 7:21-23
Published: January 21, 2015 (Originally published: January 21, 2013)Please explain how OSAS and Matthew 7 verse 21 – 23 are different. Why do preachers use these verses to say if you are not living for the Lord and only the Lord knows your heart, then you may be headed for hell. And please help me understand how OSAS works, even for a Christian who is not living for the Lord.
OSAS And Satan’s Fall
Published: October 26, 2016 (Originally published: October 18, 2009)I still have a question regarding Satan. If he was in heaven he must have believed in God. He was a guard of God’s throne. He must have at one time loved God. He let the sin of pride creep into him. Isn’t this an early and prime example of how one could lose his or her salvation by turning against God and letting sin take over in one’s life. If you follow the OSAS theology you would have to say that Satan was not really saved or believed in God to begin with. The bible is very clear that Satan will be thrown into the lake of fire.
OSAS And Rev. 22:19
Published: January 25, 2012 (Originally published: January 24, 2012)I understand that we are forgiven for our sins, but the OSAS doctrine that is so widely taught is frankly confusing when Christ Himself stated that He would blot our names from the Book of Life if we were to change the teaching of The Revelation (not verbatim). This statement from Christ tells me that He can blot our names from the Book of Life, so why should we believe the OSAS doctrine?