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You searched for: OSAS
OSAS Anthology. Follow Up
Published: August 2, 2023 (Originally published: July 6, 2014)Re: OSAS Anthology. My question is this; why would God allow his Spirit to influence some people to interpret some passages directed towards the prize (eternal rewards) as being interpreted as towards the gift (salvation.) Why would God’s world allow such debate amongst the church only widening the gap in our like-mindedness and unity? Why would God allow someone to incorrectly understand something that is as important as their eternal security, allowing them to live a life fearful that a future sin may revoke their ticket to eternal life, which doesn’t seem like a peaceful existence to me at all, more of a burden by beliefs?
OSAS And John 15:1-6
Published: January 23, 2020 (Originally published: January 26, 2013)My question is about John 15:1-6. In v.2 there are some who are connected to Jesus but if no fruit is a result they are taken away. Who is taken away because I believe OSAS? I understand abiding should be our response to the gift of life given to us, but what is meant in v6. If anyone does not abide in me he is cast out as a branch and is withered, and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned. Who are the ones cast out and burned since in v.2 states they are apparently in Jesus?
This week on the website: August 15, 2020
Published: (Originally published: August 13, 2020)Confirming OSAS
Published: December 18, 2023 (Originally published: December 21, 2012)Romans 11:29 says “for God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable”. Can this verse be used in support of OSAS (eternal security, or once saved, always saved) as it relates to Romans 8:30? If so, it seems one of the clearest statements I’ve seen to contradict anything we hear about losing our salvation.
OSAS And Sexual Sin
Published: March 15, 2022 (Originally published: March 1, 2013)I know you’re a firm believer in OSAS. I had an uncle who preached the gospel in his church, led many to God over the years, had a great testimony in the church and community. Somewhere along the way, he fell into a grievous sexual sin. He got found out, left the church, walked away from God. He made fun of those who continued to follow God. Are you telling me that he was saved and when he died he went to heaven?
OSAS And Being Forced To Recant
Published: March 29, 2023 (Originally published: March 5, 2010)I heard of a Vietnamese man who has been forced to recant his new found faith in Christ; he has signed a document saying he recants, but will also be required to sacrifice to his ancestors in order to publicly prove he has recanted. Matthew 10: 33 says that if we deny Christ before men he will deny us before the father. Would you please comment on this terrible situation, and also what relationship Matt 10:33 has to OSAS, in your opinion.
OSAS Ad Infinitum
Published: September 7, 2023 (Originally published: September 21, 2006)I can’t decide if you are right that we have eternal security, or if (another website) is right and we can lose it for bad behavior. If it does turn out that you are wrong, that is a terrible burden to bear.
Does Israel Model OSAS?
Published: February 27, 2024 (Originally published: February 12, 2013)Would you say that OSAS is modeled in the Old Testament through God’s relationship with the nation of Israel? The covenant that God made with Abraham in Genesis 15:9-21 was a one-sided covenant with God as the only participant demonstrating the “union” side and Israel’s on again off again relationship with God over the years representing the “fellowship” portion. What do you think?
Have We Misunderstood?
Published: February 6, 2020 (Originally published: February 6, 2011)I have a question regarding the doctrines of eternal security and also the rapture. It seems very clear that these are biblical, but looking at what the early Church believed creates conflict for me. I know that the Bible is the final authority, but if Christians this soon after the cross believed in loss of salvation, works righteousness, etc. could we be wrong in your interpretation of God’s word? What’s also unnerving is just how many people are like that today. Some even say that OSAS and the rapture are only very modern ideas. What is the explanation for this?
OSAS And Ezekiel 18
Published: May 15, 2015 (Originally published: May 15, 2015)My question is, how do you interpret Ezekiel 18:24 in the light of OSAS? I believe fully that the saved person can’t be lost, but wondered about this text. I have been greatly helped by your website, thank you very much.