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You searched for: OSAS
OSAS And The Mark Of The Beast
Published: January 18, 2015 (Originally published: March 9, 2010)Regarding the question and answer “OSAS And Being Forced To Recant”, does that apply to those who would accept the mark of the beast under duress?
OSAS … Again!
Published: April 18, 2015 (Originally published: March 25, 2015)I am an Ordained Minister of the Gospel and I must admit, I have used much of your teaching in my messages! One of the questions I’m commonly asked is about OSAS. This first occurred when a member of my church asked me if that meant she could “Commit murder and still be saved and go to heaven.” I have also been told by critics of OSAS that this is a license to sin. I have been reading your books and commentaries on this interesting subject and must admit that you have changed my mind and I thank you. However, what is to keep some one who is saved from turning his/her back on Jesus and “going astray”?
OSAS And The Prodigal Son
Published: October 29, 2024 (Originally published: October 22, 2013)I have been converted to OSAS (eternal security: once saved, always saved) by your ministry. However, I must disagree with your use of the parable of the prodigal as proof of the OSAS doctrine. That is the story of the licentious son and the legalistic son, neither had a relationship with their father, as one was in a far country and the other was in a far field. The only way a person can be saved is through repentance and before the prodigal repents, he is merely a lost youth trying to find fulfillment in life.
This week on the website 6-25-22
Published: (Originally published: June 22, 2022)OSAS And Luke 21:19
Published: August 18, 2015 (Originally published: August 19, 2015)I am in discussion with a Greek Orthodox friend about salvation who really seems to be seeking Truth since he is coming to our CC Men’s Bible Study for a couple of years now.
It’s clear that he’s been taught a faith plus works salvation and without works you can lose your salvation, but by using several of your web teachings I am able to answer most of them.
I showed him how Matt. 24:13 is not meant for the Church. Can Matt 10:22 also be projected into the end times due to Matt 10:23? And what about Luke 21:19?
I understand that the Bible can’t contradict itself on the security of a believer, and your OSAS Anthology is a fantastic resource for this subject.
I’m praying that the Holy Spirit will enlighten this Seeker and lead him out of his works orientation. He has stated that he will not know if he has “done enough” until he is standing before the Lord. A terrible burden to be under and would love to help him relieve this burden.
OSAS The Whole Story, Follow Up
Published: July 26, 2024 (Originally published: July 17, 2009)I use many of your topical studies for lessons at one of our state prisons. Right now, I am taking them through the topic study “OSAS The Whole Story”. I understand that all gifts are free, unearned, and cannot be lost. Can I then assume that all prizes, crowns, and rewards are subject to “testing by fire”, as found in 1st Corinthians 3:13-15? Also, are Fellowship and Relationship the same or different?
Your lessons are a Godsend to my Ministry. I praise God for sending you to help the many folks that seek your help.
Should I Be Giving Them Money?
Published: July 22, 2016 (Originally published: July 28, 2016)I am sponsoring a child in South America through a Christian organization that works through local churches. I am struggling with this because the church they are working through does not teach OSAS. So if they believe that they can lose their salvation, are they really depending on the Grace of God and should I be giving this church my money ?
Week in review June 30 2018
Published: (Originally published: June 23, 2018)OSAS And 2 Peter 2
Published: August 2, 2015 (Originally published: August 2, 2015)Can you please help me understand 2 Peter 2:20-21 and how it lines up with OSAS?
Can We Leave God? Follow Up
Published: April 12, 2013 (Originally published: April 11, 2013)In Can We Leave God? you stated that true believers cannot commit apostasy. If that were true, why did the Lord make sure there were so many warnings against it and leaving the faith? John 15:6 says the believer that does not remain in Him will be thrown away and burned. In fact there is a warning in almost every book of the new testament not to stop obeying and to keep believing the Lord. I could go on and on. So it seems to me that the few verses that talk about God’s eternal love for us are tempered with the warning if we want to remain in Him, we must do the things He commands. This view isn’t as palatable as OSAS, but I believe that if you look at what it says instead of what you want it to say, you will see that the Lord gives us a choice even to the end. How do you defend OSAS in light of these scriptures?