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You searched for: OSAS
OSAS And Colossians 1:21-23
Published: February 25, 2020 (Originally published: February 9, 2013)I love the OSAS (once saved, always saved) view but it would seem that Paul’s statement in Colossians 1:21-23 is a proof-text against the notion that it is impossible to forfeit your own salvation through disbelief. It seems that there is no way to tie this statement of Paul’s to rewards rather than to salvation. Can you help here?
What If It’s Not Pre-Trib?
Published: July 14, 2015 (Originally published: July 14, 2015)I believe in the pretrib rapture but I was wondering, would it be possible that if the rapture is not pretrib, and fundamental believers are disappointed by being in the trib, that they will apostasize and that is the great falling away? I hope I am being just a worry wort and too sensitive to the bad things that are happening. Is this even a valid theory? has anyone else raised this question?
OSAS And 1 Peter 4:18
Published: March 13, 2014 (Originally published: May 25, 2012)Your website has been a true blessing to me. Your clear, concise, logical and Biblical based responses to questions have made me realize what an awesome God we serve, especially when it comes to His amazing grace when we believe on His precious Son who saved us. I fully subscribe to OSAS, but recently have been wondering about 1 Peter 4:18: “And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?” (KJV). This passage seems to suggest some degree of uncertainty about salvation. Surely we’re either saved or not saved, depending on whether we believe, or not? How can we be “scarcely saved” as if some only make it by the “skin of our teeth”, so to speak? Am I misunderstanding the language here?
OSAS And Galatians 5:16-21
Published: January 22, 2024 (Originally published: December 23, 2015)There is a TV preacher who teaches that believers who practice the acts of the sinful nature will not inherit the Kingdom based on Galatians 5:16-21. Does that mean any believer who does those things will have his or her salvation revoked? Doesn’t that conflict with OSAS?
A Contradiction In OSAS?
Published: July 10, 2016 (Originally published: July 11, 2016)You say that all children including babies and the unborn go to heaven if they die before they reach the ‘age of accountability’. That means they must already possess eternal life. When they reach the ‘age of accountability’ and sin they then have to believe the gospel and be born again in order to be saved and go heaven when they die. But if all children from the womb to the ‘age of accountability’ already possess eternal life how can they lose it? You say that once saved always saved (OSAS); salvation is eternal and can not be lost. Please could you explain from the scriptures how you resolve this contradiction.
The Letter to the Hebrews: Chapter 10
Published: March 19, 2017 (Originally published: March 16, 2017)Hebrews 10 is another chapter people use to deny the doctrine of Eternal Security (OSAS). Are they right, or have they misinterpreted the writer’s intentions? We take an in depth look and see what it really says.
This week on the website 7-2-22
Published: (Originally published: June 30, 2022)OSAS Testimony
Published: May 19, 2006 (Originally published: May 19, 2006)Your answer to the sister about her deceased brother being safe in his salvation, although married to an unbeliever (muslim) was right on. I did the same, and it took more than 10 years for me to hear the Good Shepherd call my name. It has taken a year to restore all my previously held knowledge,to repent and to walk in faith, but now I see many times of God’s grace, when He could have just let me go. I feel I’m living proof of OSAS-once saved always saved.
OSAS And Unanswered Prayer Follow Up
Published: June 28, 2018 (Originally published: June 4, 2008)Today I read this letter “OSAS & Unanswered Prayer” on your site. It’s my shame but I often become very discouraged if I read such a “testimony”. What is troubling me is this: “Having thrown herself on God’s mercy and spent many hours in prayer, she has received no solution to her problems.” Can this happen that a believer trusts her/his problems or troubles to the Lord and she/he does not receive a solution/deliverance?
Dishonoring My Pastor?
Published: March 16, 2014 (Originally published: March 15, 2014)I am a believer in church age OSAS, it is just that I had a conflict at my old church and my pastor told me to “stop trying to prove once saved always saved” (since it was dividing the church up) and just live for Jesus. At the time, I put up an article about it and tagged many of my friends in it, something I regret doing so I understand where he is coming from. After that I just stopped talking about it and continued to believe in it, but I feel like I am disobeying my pastor by believing in it. I love God and I want to do what he says, but I do not want to dishonor my pastor. What do I do?