Why Study Solomon?
Published: October 3, 2015Why should we study Solomon’s 3 books of the Bible when he turned from God our Father to worship false gods?
Using I AM to Get Stuff
Published: October 3, 2015Hi Jack, I’m disturbed by something I’ve been seeing a lot of lately, and I was wondering if you could give me your input on it. There is a book that has been around for a while, that essentially tells you to say I AM, followed by whatever “stuff” you want, like money, position, etc.
I’m seeing tons of people not only promoting this teaching, but the book as well. I know that using I AM this way is wrong. But how do I speak to these people about this when some of them are having success they directly attribute to this practice? As always, thank you for your site and for answering my questions. 🙂
More Gap Theory Questions
Published: October 3, 2015Question about the gap theory? Exodus 20:11 states that heaven and earth, the sea and all that is in them was created in six days. Wouldn’t this include the angels and Satan? The Garden of Eden?
Wasn’t Satan in the garden of eden at some point in the creation drama? How could he have fallen and been judged and still be the anointed cherub and present in the garden of Eden before his fall.
God said that his creation was GOOD. It was good with a fallen and judged angel hanging around?? That doesn’t make sense to me.
I just recently found your site and have enjoyed your Revelation studies. I just can’t go along with the gap theory though. Why is it needed? It provides nothing and calls God’s word into question.
Three Descriptions Of Jesus In Rev. 22
Published: October 3, 2015In Revelation 22, why Jesus is referenced as three things that sound like three ways of saying the same thing: the first and the last, Alpha and Omega, and the beginning and the end.
I would greatly appreciate getting some insight on the above. Thank you and may God bless you.
The Devil’s Power
Published: October 3, 2015Dear Pastor, please let me know the answer of the following questions:
Can the devil understand our thoughts?
Can the devil and his companions appear in different places at a time like Holy Spirit or God?
Can the devil understand the plans of God and His plans for His children?
An Atheist Comment On Prayer
Published: October 3, 2015I was reading something and an atheist made a somewhat good point, and I want to know how to respond it. On the issue of prayer, God responds yes, no, or wait. The atheist said that with this, no matter what you pray to you are going to get the same response. That saying ‘it is in God’s plan’ is an illusion. If what you pray for actually comes it is a coincidence. He continues to say: “People who pray die at the same rate as people who don’t people who pray win the lottery just as often as people who don’t. And that prayer has no effect on events.
Should I Have Divorced Him?
Published: October 2, 2015Thank you so very much for your ministry. My husband and I have been born again Christians for many years, but our marriage has never been good. Now my husband has bladder cancer and I’m not being very supportive. Many years ago he had a relationship outside our marriage. I have always felt that I had forgiven him and I know God has forgiven him but now I’m not so sure about myself.
When all this happened I felt strongly that God wanted me to continue in the marriage, and not divorce, so we continued. All went well for a few years but then everything sort of went back to the way we always were.
Now with his illness I find myself wondering why I didn’t get a divorce in the first place. I’m sure satan is working in my mind. I just have a terrible temper and lash out at my husband all the time. I know this is wrong, but I continue to lose IT. We are both miserable and I want to change my attitude, but everyday seems to end like the last. Thank you for any words of wisdom. I love the Lord with all my heart and so want to be pleasing in His sight.
Does God Want Us To Be In Pain?
Published: October 1, 2015I have a friend who posted this statement on social media:
“God only uses people who are in pain, crushed, and devastated-who trust Him in the midst of a crushing confusion (Isaiah 66:2). God wants so desperate to sit with us in our pain, but He cannot if we are running from pain.”
Does God sit down with us only when we are in pain? Does God work through us only when we are in devastating situations? I know God works through us when we are humble, but I am not too sure if God wants us to be in painful circumstances so He can sit beside us.
It troubles me to think that God wants us to be in painful and confusion situations because it would definitely go against His character, although He would use it for our good (Romans 8:28). I know God cares for us even in our situations (1 Peter 5:6). What does the verse mean when explaining Isaiah 66:2 within its context?
I would like to use this as an opportunity to encourage people who are in painful situations and minister if possible.
Unforgiveness And Hell
Published: September 30, 2015I have a question regarding unforgiveness and hell. I recently saw a program where they claimed that true believers could go to hell if they harbored unforgiveness in their hearts towards anyone, even if they’re an unbeliever or a stranger.
They used Matthew 5:21-22 and Matthew 6:14-15 as their basis, and said that if you are a Christian there can be no darkness in you and that you shouldn’t believe the “once saved always saved” theory. I know I am a Christian, I have repented of my sins and turned my life over to Him. But what they said has really disturbed me and caused distress. Is any of what they said true?