The Two State Solution
Published: January 21, 2015I still enjoy reading your site almost daily. I’m so impressed with your insight. Very instructive and very well backed by scripture.
If you have already answered this question on your site, I missed it. My question is about the two state solution Israel is getting forced into. Do you see anywhere is scripture that God is going to allow the Palestinians to actually have a state next to Israel on Israel’s land with Jerusalem as their capital?
I have a hard time seeing that happening. Obviously, it wouldn’t be God ordained if it were to happen, but I wonder how much longer God is going to let Israel keep conceding His land before He steps in? Conceding land is one thing, but an actual state that Palestinians can lay claim to and have the legal authority over? I don’t know. What are your thoughts?
The End Of The Age
Published: January 21, 2015I was wondering: Did God have John mention Gog/Magog in Revelation in order to give us some information about the Gog/Magog in Ezekiel? Specifically, that the Ezekiel Gog/Magog war will also end one age and begin another. Meaning the end of the Church age and the beginning of Daniel’s 70th week? It seems like you might have already said as much.
OSAS And Matt. 7:21-23
Published: January 21, 2015Please explain how OSAS and Matthew 7 verse 21 – 23 are different. Why do preachers use these verses to say if you are not living for the Lord and only the Lord knows your heart, then you may be headed for hell. And please help me understand how OSAS works, even for a Christian who is not living for the Lord.
My Prayers Are Mostly Repeats
Published: January 21, 2015I have a good prayer life, but I’m wondering if any one else might have the same problem I have. It seems a lot of my prayers are repeats: children saved, family saved, President saved, the Gospel preached, health of loved ones, etc., and other prayers I have. Do I really need to say these every night and every morning? Does God get tired of hearing the same requests over and over?
The Path To Destruction
Published: January 21, 2015I went to bed last night thinking and praying about the term, “freedom of religion.” I believe God blessed this nation for many years because it was predominately made up of Christians, but this “freedom of religion” has come to mean any religion and their false gods were welcome here. Shouldn’t it have been “freedom from false religions”? It seems to me that our founders would have known this would happen and that multiculturalism and false gods would take over our nation. What are your thoughts on this “freedom of religion”? Will this nation be destroyed because of its moral decay and false gods and that is the reason the United States of America is not mentioned in end times prophecy?
Still More On Children Of The Rapture
Published: January 21, 2015re: Children And The Rapture ~~ are you saying this ten year old boy who murdered a 90 year old woman will be going in the rapture?
Has The Stage Been Set?
Published: January 21, 2015I’ve read where some other prophecy teachers say the world is now at the point where Ezekiel 38-39 wars and/or Psalm 83 wars could happen, everything in perfect alignment, but before the next steps, the Rapture. In a nutshell, do you believe the world stage is now set for these wars, or do you believe there are still other conditions that need to be met?
Spiritual Israel?
Published: January 21, 2015My sister is a Jehovah’s Witness to whom I have witnessed to for over thirty years to no avail. I’m aware that Jehovah’s Witnesses believe they have replaced Israel as God’s people/witnesses. My sister recently used the term ‘spiritual Israel’ in regard to herself and other Jehovah’s Witnesses and my response was that I did not believe in a spiritual Israel. I do not subscribe to Replacement Theology in any form, believing that God will keep every promise He has made including those made to the nation of Israel and the Jews as a people. My questions are 1) who specifically are Abraham’s children by circumcision of the heart, and what and who could be spiritual Israel if there is such a people?
Finding My Relatives
Published: January 21, 2015Re: The Genesis Narrative. In that ebook you have Noah saying: “Just for kicks, see if you can figure out which of my sons you’re descended from. If you’re a human being on planet Earth, you only have three choices. Then see which of Earth’s 70 families you belong to.” How do I do that?
Must I Re-Marry?
Published: January 20, 2015I lost my wife 4 months ago and I very much want to go and be with her in heaven. In fact I’ve been praying for that to happen. Until it does, I’ve decided to remain alone. But I’ve been told that’s wrong, and that I should look for another woman to marry. Where does God’s word say I need to remarry? If I wish to remain unmarried until I leave this world, what’s wrong with that?