Ask a Bible Teacher

The Assyrian

Published: July 30, 2012

Does Micah 5:5 infer that the Antichrist will be an Assyrian, as a valued friend if mine insists?

Did Adam And Eve Eat Eggs?

Published: July 29, 2012

Were Adam and Eve and pre-Flood folks allowed to eat eggs from fowl, chicken eggs and such? I wonder because there was no death before Adam and Eve sinned and an incubated egg is basically the death of the chick. I’m not sure I’m asking this right, but hopefully you’ll know what I mean. Pre-Flood people were not allowed to eat meat (and I know fowl isn’t considered meat per se) but would eggs be considered animal?

Isaiah 17. Now Or Later?

Published: July 27, 2012

My question is regarding the timing for the fulfillment of the prophecy contained in Isaiah 17. While I agree with the position that the prophecy awaits a future fulfillment, I often wonder about a possible fulfillment during battle of Armageddon or at the end of the millennium. Although quite possible, conventional weaponry would probably not cause the city to become a heap of ruins in the manner Isaiah 17:1 describes whereas a nuclear explosion would. That being the case and given the current situation in Syria, do you foresee a nuclear exchange between middle eastern nations prior to the rapture of the church and the 70th week of Daniel?

Denominational Differences

Published: July 25, 2012

I hope this question is not too complicated to answer, but I’ve noticed that, in general, non-charismatic fellowships believe in OSAS, and that charismatic fellowships don’t. I confess that I may simply have arrived at a wrong conclusion, but if I haven’t, any idea how or why this came to be?

Isaiah 17. Judgment From God?

Published: July 24, 2012

Your site is a blessing to me. Keep up the good work. There is some speculation that Isaiah 17 is a judgment from God. Therefore we will be raptured before the event takes place. Is this true?

A Vision Of The Rapture?

Published: July 20, 2012

I read an article on internet yesterday, written by someone who saw a vision of the rapture, and how he went in the rapture, and he explain how a young woman who had expected to go in the rapture because she thought she was ready, did not go, and how she cried in dismay and shock. For the last 7 years I have been very expectant of the rapture happening and believed that I am right with the Lord. But when I read that article, I was uncertain. What are the criteria to go in the rapture?

Standing In The Way. Follow Up

Published: July 19, 2012

In your recent article Standing In The Way you said 1 John 3:2 means it’s impossible to know in any detail the kind of life we’ll be living after the rapture. You said all we know for sure is that it’s beyond our imagining, and quoted Paul as saying, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him” (1 Cor. 2:9). If you would continue reading you would see that verse 10 says “God has revealed it to us by His Spirit.” We do know what God has prepared for us, though not fully, to be sure. I agree that it is beyond our imagination. But he has revealed it.

Why Doesn’t He Save Everyone?

Published: July 17, 2012

If God is not willing that any should perish, how come all are not chosen before the foundation of the world? In order for someone to come into the family of God, He needs to draw them to Him, but He does not draw/save everyone. I am not questioning God. Just trying to better understand His word!!

Bible Commentary

Published: July 16, 2012

Can you recommend a Bible commentary? The last one I bought, I ended up throwing it out because it was written by the replacement theology people. I’ve been reading but I want to study. Thank you so much. I have been thanking God because He has sent you to help us. Your Bible studies are invaluable.

What About God’s Chosen People? Follow Up

Published: July 15, 2012

Regarding “What About God’s Chosen People” I am confused about what you mean by this phrase ” If they survive they’ll be judged just after the 2nd Coming and sent off the planet.” Are these Jewish unbelievers not sent to Hades along with Gentile unbelievers, or is there a separate place “off the planet” that I am not aware of. Thanks for clearing this up for me.