Ask a Bible Teacher

Is The Anti-Christ Roman Or Islamic?

Published: August 16, 2012

I’ve just seen yet another article from an author contending that the antichrist will not be from The Roman Empire. If I remember correctly you’ve written that the antichrist will be from there. Is that correct or is my memory faulty?

More Rapture Questions

Published: August 16, 2012

Re: Matt. 24:36. Why did Jesus not know the time of return ? Was it because He had divested Himself of aspects of His deity in order to ‘take flesh’ and be able to die for us, or was there another reason? I have heard pastors say that He still does not know, but surely that would make Him less than God. He must know all that the Father knows, now that He is back with Him. Also was His comment to do with the rapture or second coming? I also have always believed the rapture to be number determined, but an omniscient God, who ‘sees the end from the beginning’ must surely know when that number will be completed.

Two Gog/Magog Wars?

Published: August 15, 2012

A friend of mine is adamant that the Gog/Magog war will only happen after the millennium, as described in Revelation 20 but I am of the opinion there will be two Gog/Magog wars; one prophesied in Ezekiel 38/39 and the other an attack by the enemies of God at the end of the millennium. Just like there was WW1 and WW2 with virtually the same countries in both wars, could there not be two Gog/Magog events?

EMP Threat And Consequences

Published: August 14, 2012

I read often about the threat of EMP attacks and I am curious. We’re told in Revelation there will be certain events – such as the death of the two witnesses and the fall of Babylon – which will be seen “worldwide” – do these prophesies then dispute that such an attack will happen in America since those left behind would obviously not have access to a TV, as would possibly portions of Canada and Mexico?

Saving For Retirement

Published: August 13, 2012

I have been struggling lately with different life options and find myself thinking, “I won’t be here much longer anyway, what is the point?” One area in particular that has been on my mind is investing for retirement. I know that I have a responsibility to be a good steward of my finances, but I can’t help think that reducing my investments and using the money that has been freed up toward the Kingdom would be a better idea. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

How Long, Lord?

Published: August 13, 2012

Is there any reason the rapture couldn’t happen this fall season? If war breaks out in the Middle East it could all start the domino effect could it not? Are there any prophecies (of the 500 that you have spoken of) that must be fulfilled that would make this fall season impossible?

Who Was Making This Outcry? Follow Up

Published: August 12, 2012

Re: Who Was Making This Outcry? Your response to this question kind of missed the mark in my opinion. I use the KJV and it makes it pretty plain that Sodom and Gomorrah were the source of the “Outcry”. For instance, if you walk by a park filled with children playing and having fun, the cry of it will be joyous. Walk by the same park another time filled with picketers chanting against something, the cry of it will be a cry of protest. What I’m saying is, nobody had to play the part of “Tattle-Tale”. The cry of the cities were witness against them.

Who Was Making This Outcry?

Published: August 10, 2012

Re: Genesis 18:20-21. And the Lord said, “Because the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grave, I will go down now and see whether they have done altogether according to the outcry against it that has come to Me; and if not, I will know.” Who is making this outcry?

Rev. 17-18 Follow Up

Published: August 4, 2012

Am I correct in my interpretation of your commentary that Babylon is really a representative term for false religion, economic enslavement and corrupt governments? Because if it isn’t a term to represent these things, “literal” Babylon doesn’t make sense to me because never in my lifetime has the current City of Babylon ever been a center for anything. If the Lord’s return is as soon as we think it is, than the rebuilding of Babylon as the center of all these things had better get crackin’ because it only has a few short years to accomplish these things.

FEMA Camps For Christians?

Published: July 31, 2012

Jesus said in Matthew 24:38-39 that when He returns it will be like days of Noe in that people were getting married and eating and drinking then the flood came. Do you think that the rapture has to happen before all the FEMA Camps and stuff like that comes down on us? Or do you think the FEMA Camp Dictatorship thing might happen and it will be a difficult time for us Christians but that the rapture would then happen at least before the revealing of antichrist? Maybe the eating and drinking as days of Noe is referencing Israel and middle east area but not a worldwide (or at least American) ‘business as usual’ condition?