Ask a Bible Teacher

Another Tithing Question

Published: June 5, 2023

I have read various articles regarding the Tithe and have found that the New Testament does not include tithing like it is in the Old Testament and especially the way it is explained in Malachi. Jesus has redeemed us from the curse of the law and tithing is in the law. Jesus taught to give as you purpose in your heart not grudgingly or of necessity.

This means that all that we have belongs to God and we are stewards of these things. The way we handle these things will determine our love towards God. The new covenant in Christ is “what is yours is mine and what is mine is yours”. Is it correct then to say that 10% should not be preached but rather that all is Gods and not only the 10%. By doing this, if God wants us to give all we have, then we need to do so because of the covenant we have with him.

In What Year Did Jesus Die?

Published: June 5, 2023

Your site is a tremendous blessing to me! Thank you for spending time to answer our questions.

Do we know what date (mainly what year) Jesus was crucified? I’ve seen in-depth teachings about matching up two Sabbaths in a row (the seventh day in Passover and the seventh day of the week because supposedly Sabbath is plural in Matthew 28:1) giving us 29 AD. I’ve heard that Daniel’s 70 weeks gives us 32 AD. I’ve also heard that Luke 3:1 gives us 33 AD. Who is correct?

Repent And Repeat?

Published: June 2, 2023

I was speaking to a friend of mine about repentance. He said when you’ve truly repented you can’t do again what you’ve repented from. He said if you do it again anytime your life it means you didn’t repent in the first place. This confused me because there are things that I repented from them honestly but I find myself doing them again although I do not like to do them. Have I not truly repented?

Sanctifying Ourselves?

Published: June 2, 2023

We have been exploring Hebrew Roots and are all in agreement that following the Law does not save us but there are those who believe following the Law is part of the sanctification process. What are your thoughts on this?

Why Was The Lord Frustrated?

Published: June 2, 2023

I would like to ask about Matthew 17:17 when Jesus healed the demon possessed boy. Jesus seems very frustrated with His disciples lack of faith, but I’m quite taken aback by what He said. How much longer must I be with you? Why must I put up with you? Doesn’t this seem an odd thing for Jesus to say? He knew how long He would have to be there and why He must put up with them, did He not?

How Can Deceitful Hearts Believe?

Published: June 1, 2023

I have a question. Jeremiah 17:9 says the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? In Acts 8:37 Philip said “If thou belivest with all thine heart, thou mayest (be baptized). And he (the eunuch) answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.” These two passages almost seem to be contradicting each other. How can we believe with all our heart if our heart is incurably deceitful?

The Jews And The Trinity

Published: June 1, 2023

My understanding is that the Jews do not believe in the Trinity, and yet isn’t the Trinity is apparent throughout the Torah? Was this a stumbling block for them regarding Yeshua who at various times claimed he was God? Do they expect their Messiah to be just a man? Any speculation as to why they don’t see the Trinity in their Torah?

More On Translation Differences

Published: May 31, 2023

In my KJV, I was reading Isaiah 61 verses 1-2 and then read Luke 4:18-19 where Jesus is in the synagogue reading those same two verses in Isaiah. Of course the two passages say the same thing but I would expect the wording to be exactly the same. Since it’s not, what would account for the differences?

Still More On The Bride

Published: May 31, 2023

In one of your articles on the bride of Christ, you note that the Church is the bride, as many do. The reference you use in Ephesians 5 doesn’t seem to clarify that the church is the bride, although many state that the church is the bride. As I read Revelation 21:2 and 21:9 and 10 it would seem clear that the Holy City New Jerusalem is The Bride. Are there other scriptures where it states the Church is the Bride in no uncertain terms?

Did They See God?

Published: May 30, 2023

Quoting you: “The writer of Hebrews confirmed this in chapter 1, agreeing that when God wants to be visible, He appears as Jesus.” Here you’ve reminded me of a recent thought I had and would like to hear your opinion. In the old testament, prophets had visions of God sitting on His throne (e.g. Isaiah). Would this have actually been Jesus sitting on the throne in a recognizable bodily form; as we’re taught by Jesus that ‘God is a spirit’ and I presume that He hasn’t got ‘human form’?