Ask a Bible Teacher

Was Daniel Really Fasting?

Published: May 10, 2023

My understanding of fasting is not eating anything, neither food nor water. I mean not putting anything in your mouth that will go to your stomach. Now I read some of your responses on fasting and I’m puzzled to a point of slight disagreement. You mentioned Daniel fasting for 21 days but I don’t see in the Bible that being declared as fasting. To me, that was just Daniel’s decision to avoid eating defiled food offered to idols by Babylonian King. Fasting to me is purely not eating anything, and if someone is not eating certain foods while eating others that’s not fasting.

If You Do Not Forgive Men Their Trespasses

Published: May 10, 2023

How are believers supposed to treat verses such as: “But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” (Matthew 6:15) Is it guaranteed that the Holy Spirit will be successful in the sanctification process to rid us of habitual unforgiveness? If not, would the Father not forgiving us affect our salvation?

Getting Rid Of The Guilt

Published: May 10, 2023

How do you deal with guilt when it has a stronghold over you and when long exposure to pain and sorrow over a past action has left you feeling like there is no hope? I have accepted Jesus but lately, I don’t feel I have faith for healing when the guilt and sorrow constantly remind me that there is no forgetting, especially when those I have harmed won’t forgive me. I want to know how do I as a believer deal with this situation?

Being Like Daniel

Published: May 9, 2023

Is Daniel’s life an achievable example for us? In my opinion he had an enviable life! The Lord always greatly favored and blessed him, many times in a very hostile environment. God even turned his enemies into his well-wishers and helped him out from very difficult or disastrous situations. Could we ever expect anything like this?

Is Freemasonry A Curse?

Published: May 9, 2023

My question is regarding Freemasonry. I am born again since I was 19 yrs old and in 1972 all my family was saved. My father became a Christian after 20 years being Freemason. He died of cancer in 1986 as Christian. All my family ( my Mum, my brother, and myself) had a lot of trouble, divorces, poverty, sickness, aborts, problems with our children such as drugs and pornography. My question is: could the curse of Freemasonry still be upon our family? Is it true that we have to break the bondage in each section through the prayer, renouncing in the name of the Lord and the power of His blood?

Moses And The Number 40

Published: May 9, 2023

I have 2 questions. First I noticed the #40 mentioned several time in the Bible and that Moses spent 40 days on Mt. Sinai two different times. I remember that Moses was 40 yrs. old when he killed the Egyptian and after the next 40 years, God called him to go back to Egypt and tell Pharaoh that Israel’s God told him to release the Israelites so they could go into the wilderness to worship their God. Another time, Jesus was in the wilderness for 40 days. Just wondering if there is a special significance to the #40.

My second question is: After Moses had gone up to Mt. Sinai many times to meet with God, why did his face shine radiantly when he returned to the camp with the second set of stone tablets with the Ten Commandments written by the hand of God? Why was this time more significant that all the other times?

Demonstrating God’s Power

Published: May 8, 2023

What books of the Bible are best to read if I want to become more in awe of God and His power? I know that almost every book of the Bible has God demonstrating His power in one way or another, but are there any books in particular you would recommend for me to start with?

Why Isn’t My Business Prosperous?

Published: May 8, 2023

What could be the possible causes for a lack of prosperity in a Christian’s business? Just a list with any Scriptural reference would be sufficient to help me search the answers in the Bible myself.

Who Is The Prince Of This World?

Published: May 8, 2023

In John 14:3 Jesus was speaking with his disciples about going to the Father. This is my question: The prince that He is referring to that is coming, would that be Satan or the anti-Christ? Was not Satan already there?

A Second Blessing?

Published: May 5, 2023

Thank you so much for your willingness to answer questions about the Bible. I was wondering about something I have heard about called “The Second Blessing” which I believe refers to a powerful annointing of the Holy Spirit upon a believer after and completely separate from his conversion experience. From what I can gather it is an experience that allows a believer to enter into a whole different level of Christian experience because he/she is willing to give everything, their entire being to Christ. Do you have any information or thoughts on this subject?