Ask a Bible Teacher

The Three Day Three Night Mystery

Published: April 3, 2023

It seems that if Jesus were buried Thursday afternoon, he wouldn’t have been in the grave 3 full days and 3 full nights. For that to have happened, he would have had to been crucified on Wednesday. Any thoughts?

Was Mary Always A Virgin?

Published: March 29, 2023

Can you tell me if Mary, the Mother of Jesus, finished her life as a virgin? I’ve heard both versions of this one. I assumed that after Jesus was born, then the sons and daughters that came after Jesus were both hers and Joseph’s. However I’ve also heard that the additional children were Joseph’s from a different marriage (maybe the woman passed away?) Do you know which is true, and also, does it even matter whether or not she was a virgin at the end?

Israel, the Fig Tree, And The Olivet Discourse

Published: March 29, 2023

I have been studying up on the fig tree parable. in Luke 21 and Matthew 24. Both passages mention the fig tree. Does the fig tree represent Israel or not? I’ve heard both ways and it sure makes more sense for the fig tree to represent Israel. Remember when Jesus put a curse on the fig tree that bore no fruit and the scripture that is mentioned in Jeremiah 24 about Israel as a fig tree? I’m so confused because isn’t Israel the tell-tale sign that we are the last generation? The generation that witnesses the budding of the fig tree will witness everything last thing? Can you explain this? Thank you!

OSAS And Being Forced To Recant

Published: March 29, 2023

I heard of a Vietnamese man who has been forced to recant his new found faith in Christ; he has signed a document saying he recants, but will also be required to sacrifice to his ancestors in order to publicly prove he has recanted. Matthew 10: 33 says that if we deny Christ before men he will deny us before the father. Would you please comment on this terrible situation, and also what relationship Matt 10:33 has to OSAS, in your opinion.

Profaning The Sabbath

Published: March 28, 2023

I have a question about Isaiah 56:1,2 and 58:13,14. What is profaning the Sabbath and how can we, as believers, apply these passages to our lives?

Was Darius Queen Esther’s Son?

Published: March 28, 2023

I just read an article in the Jerusalem Post that quotes a 13th century Rabbi saying that Esther’s son was named Darius.

I am not real familiar with the exact period of time that Ester lived and affected the life of the Persian King but I believe it was during the time of the Babylonian exile. Is it possible that this Darius is the same king that gave the order to rebuild the Temple?

Treasure On Earth Or in Heaven?

Published: March 28, 2023

I love your articles and find such encouragement here. I have a question about “storing up treasure”. I’ve asked so many different Christians about preparing for the hard times ahead and have received as many different answers. Most people think we are to be good stewards of our money and invest and save to take care of our families. Others think the Lord will take care of them completely. Some think a combination of the two. I personally, do not have time or brains to investigate different investments and watch them. I’d rather spend my time in the Bible, but I do want to do what the Lord said. Searching the scriptures, I don’t find store up in barns and banks, I can only find “take no thought for your life, what you will eat, drink, etc.” My husband is not a believer, so I can’t take the 401K out and give it away, but I’d like to. What should I do?

Do I Have To Tithe On Gifts?

Published: March 27, 2023

I was told to tithe off of gifts too. Is this biblical? I tithe off of my gross & also give offerings. I thought tithing was off of your “income” (ex. paychecks, investment profits) but I’ve never heard it taught where you also tithe off of gifts. I do not want to be under a curse, please give me your views.

Also, if I get a scholarship award for schooling, am I to tithe off of that even if the total went to the school & I received no money personally? Thank you so much for your time!

Who’s In Charge Here?

Published: March 27, 2023

I believe Jesus said to his disciples that all power was given to him in heaven and on earth after his victory at the cross. (Matt. 28:18) Didn’t this break the power of Satan and remove his “god of this world” title?

Contemporary Vs. Traditional Music

Published: March 27, 2023

I love the Lord and have responded to His call to a music ministry. Some Christians condemn contemporary Christian music as satanic and deceiving, but I have seen and felt the spirit of God flow through our congregation during worship. I respect the individual tastes and preferences of his saints. But I think it’s unfair for people to make blanket condemnations about this type of ministry. What is your take on this issue?