Ask a Bible Teacher

Tired Of Waiting

Published: June 23, 2021

I’ve been telling people about the Rapture and the “end times” ever since I first read Hal Lindsey’s book “The Late Great Planet Earth” 38 years ago. I’m tired of the Christians among my family and friends who have heard me for all these years and now laugh whenever I say something about current events and Bible prophecy. These are all good Christians who believe in Jesus but just aren’t interested in Bible prophecy. It’s not just that they don’t believe it, they think it’s all centuries away. I’ve lost the excitement of waiting for His return. I really thought the Rapture would have come before now.

Still More On Post Church Salvation

Published: June 23, 2021

Recently there was an article on another website having to do with tribulation saints losing their salvation. The author disagreed with your position and gave an unfavorable critique of one of your articles in doing so. Would you care to comment?

Our Heart’s Desire

Published: June 23, 2021

I received teachings from bible passage in Hebrews 8 & 10 that God will put His laws in our minds and hearts so that we would follow them. So can believers today depend on our hearts’ desires to help us make decisions in life (since the Bible says he has written His laws in our heart), is this interpretation Biblically correct?

What Can We Do?

Published: June 22, 2021

You’ve made it clear you don’t think 2 Chronicles 7:14 was meant for the United States. Are we just supposed to sit by and watch our country go down the tubes? Isn’t there anything we can do?

If He Already Knew, Why Was He Sorry?

Published: June 22, 2021

Gen. 6:6 says, “And the Lord was sorry He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart.” I am so perplexed by this statement. God, being omniscient, had fore-knowledge of everything. So why was He sorry He had made man knowing what they would do? Being a parent, I can understand the grief in His heart.

Suffering Like David?

Published: June 21, 2021

King David suffered some consequences of his sins. He should have been stoned for adultery and murder. Why didn’t he suffer the full judgment of his consequences? I am now suffering consequences of my adultery. I am praying that I change from the inside out and I am seeking personal transformation. Also I have been praying for a miracle that my marriage will survive. I keep getting told that there is no condemnation in Christ, and that I am forgiven, and that Jesus will comfort me and provide for me, but I am still to suffer the consequences of my actions. No one seems to speak about a miracle from Jesus to heal my marriage that has been damaged by my actions. Is there a miracle for me and my family?

Is Israel Also The Bride?

Published: June 21, 2021

It is my understanding that the wedding between Christ and His bride (the church) will take place shortly after the rapture. Since Israel will not recognize Christ as their Messiah until after the rapture, and since God still obviously loves his chosen people, will they too be considered part of “the bride” in the millennial kingdom, or will only those who were raptured hold that title?

How Did People Get Into Heaven Before Jesus?

Published: June 21, 2021

How did people get into heaven before Christ came and died for us? I understand salvation thru Jesus, but what about the time before Jesus?

The Gentiles, The Jews, And The Church

Published: June 18, 2021

If the Jewish people descended from Abraham then where did the Gentiles come from? Genesis 11:8 tells of scattering all the people and changing their languages. Were all of these people the Gentiles?

Can Prophets Be Wrong?

Published: June 18, 2021

According to 1st Corinthians 13:9, Paul speaks of “prophesying in part” and many people today point to that as justification for the many “prophecies” today being way off or completely wrong. Personally I don’t see that as being correct, and Deuteronomy speaks specifically of prophets having to be 100% correct or face dire consequences. Do you see justification for the many “prophets” today being wrong? Can we trust those people to be speaking for God?