Ask a Bible Teacher

Can I Attend A Post Trib Church?

Published: September 8, 2021

I recently found a church which I really like due to the fact that they they follow the bible. They live life deep in the Lord. The only thing I don’t understand is that they believe in the rapture after the tribulation. How does the Lord take this kind of belief? Is it sin or just understanding it in different way? Is it okay for me to attend this church?

Are They Married Or Not?

Published: September 8, 2021

Your site means so much to us! Thank you for all that you do. I’ve got a question that relates to the one about marriage licenses. My father-in-law has been living with a woman for nine years now (since about 6 months after his wife’s death). They have never gotten married because they are afraid of losing Social Security benefits, etc. Edith is also on disability and fears losing that as well. They both attend church and profess to be Christians. My husband is having a hard time with this. He feels that they are “living in sin” and should get married and trust God to take care of them. I agree with him.

However, my question is, would they be considered married in the eyes of the Lord even though they have not been legally married? They have been encountering a lot of health and financial problems, so we’re wondering if this is the Lord trying to convict them of their sin so that they will repent and get legally married?

Straining Out Gnats

Published: September 7, 2021

I read once, long ago, something about doing something “to a gnat and swallowing a camel.” I cannot find the verse, but I was wondering if you could and tell me exactly what does that mean???

When Did The Church Begin?

Published: September 7, 2021

After reading Psalms, Hebrews, and the life of Abraham, I think the Church existed prior to Christ and was based on the same grace and faith that saves all who believe. If we as Christians are imputed with righteousness just as Abraham, then grace existed for Abraham and us. It matters not what time it is when someone believes in the Messiah, we look back in time and see Him, while Abraham and others looked forward in time and saw him. God is not bound by time and His salvation is not either.

Still More On Tithing, Follow Up

Published: September 7, 2021

I rarely, if ever offer a reply comment on your website. I have received many, many blessings from your teaching. From time to time I have disagreed with some comment you have made simply because you might have been correct and I might have been wrong. However, I have to take loving exception to your statement that “most people who argue against tithing are trying to justify their level of giving.” To make such a sweeping indictment against all who disagree with the “tithe” is not fair.

In many churches ill equipped financial leaders go into debt claiming to have “stepped out in faith” which results in driving the local church into financial trouble. Then they admonish their members to step out in faith and tithe so they might grow as Christians when in reality it’s so their dumb decisions might be underwritten. Tithing has also become a source of unhealthy pride as many “spiritually mature” church members have made sure that all the congregation knew they were tithers. In short it can become way too legalistic to older Christians and confusing to new ones.

Why Can’t Law and Grace Coexist?

Published: September 6, 2021

I have a question about the last article you posted entitled “There Is No Seven Year Tribulation.” You said in your commentary that the Dispensation of Grace and the Dispensation of Law cannot coexist at the same time. Can you clarify that because I understand that people other than Jews will be getting saved during the Great Tribulation. They won’t be saved by grace?

A Premature Conversion?

Published: September 6, 2021

In your response titled “Born Again Before They Die?”, you stated: “They (young children) don’t need to be born again because they haven’t spiritually died, and they can’t be born again because they don’t understand what that means”.

My 7-year-old son accepted Christ as his Savior several months ago, after many hours of discussion, study, explanations, etc with him. Are you stating that this was a premature conversion, and he will need to “redo” this once “accountability” sets in (which I’m not sure I know the age of…)?

A Comment About Tithing

Published: September 6, 2021

I read your Q&A on tithing but I have yet to find “tithing” in the New Testament. I’m not saying we shouldn’t give but I believe people should know the truth. Tithing is an Old Testament law that is not mentioned anywhere in the New Testament. Pastors refer to the Old Testament to guilt New Testament believers into giving more. Again, I’m not saying that we shouldn’t give as the Lord leads us, but where does the New Testament command us to tithe?

Born Again Before They Die?

Published: September 3, 2021

A child when born is body, soul, and spirit. At some point because of the sin nature he becomes spiritually dead. Is the point of spiritual death simultaneous with the age of accountability? Can a child be reborn (saved) before he experiences spiritual death?

Did They See God Or Not?

Published: September 3, 2021

I was doing a study of Exodus and came across Exodus 24: 9-11. Could you help me understand why was it that the Lord allowed all these men to see Him while stating many times throughout the Bible that no one has ever seen Him and that to see Him is death. Does the statement that they “went up and saw the God of Israel” imply only that they went up and interacted with him or does this mean they actually looked at Him?